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Dartmouth College. Board of Trustees



The Board of Trustees of Dartmouth College was created as "one body corporate and politick" by the charter of Dartmouth College, 13 December 1769, comprising twelve members, including the President of the College and the Governor of New Hampshire as ex officio members. The Board first met in Keene, New Hampshire, 22 October 1770, and consisted of Sir John Wentworth, Gov. of New Hampshire, the Rev. Eleazar Wheelock, President of Dartmouth College, Theodore Atkinson, George Jaffrey, Daniel Pierce, Peter Gilman, William Pitkin, Benjamin Pomeroy, James Lockwood, Timothy Pitkin, John Smalley, and William Patten.

Dartmouth’s Board of Trustee is responsible for oversight of the financial, administrative, and academic affairs of the College, including the appointment and evaluation of the President, long-range strategic planning, maintaining the academic quality of all the degree programs, ensuring the excellence of the faculty and the quality of the student experience, approving operating and capital budgets, managing the endowment, leading fundraising efforts, setting tuition and fees, and approving major policy changes.

Over the years, the number of “elected” Trustees (i.e., Trustees in addition to the President and the Governor) and the overall size of the Board have varied. The Charter originally set the number of elected trustees at ten. In 1961, the New Hampshire legislature and the Board approved a Charter amendment increasing the number of elected Trustees to 14, and amended again in 1967 to omit the New Hampshire residency requirement for any members of the Board. In 2003, the Board voted to increase the number of elected Trustees to 20. Two of those new Board seats has been filled, bringing the current size of the Board to 18 (16 “elected” Trustees, the Governor, and the President of the College.) Today, as it has since 1970, the Board elects a Chair separate from the President of the College.

Among the major actions of the Board were the establishment of professional schools in Medicine (1797), Engineering (1867) and Business (1900); resolutions in 1876 and 1891 allowing for alumni nominations of some candidates for Trustee; the November 22, 1971, resolution making the undergraduate college coeducational; and the November 1989 decision to divest from companies doing business with South Africa.

Found in 366 Collections and/or Records:

Dartmouth College Trustees regulations

 Item 1
Identifier: Mss 868259
Mss 868259
Date(s): 1868-04-09
Scope and Contents

Regulations of the Trustees in regard to the used of the church for class-day exercises.

Dartmouth College Trustees report

 Item 1
Identifier: Mss 846429
Mss 846429
Date(s): 1846-07-29

In English.

Dartmouth College Trustees report

 Item 1
Identifier: Mss 823471
Mss 823471
Date(s): 1823-08-21

In English.

Dartmouth College Trustees report

 Item 1
Identifier: Mss 795479.1
Mss 795479.1
Date(s): 1795-08-29
Scope and Contents

Dartmouth College Trustees Committee to settle with the president, to Dartmouth college Trustees. Report of the Committee, recommending conveying to President Wheelock the annual rents on land in Greenboro, amounting to £56/7 a year.

Dartmouth College Trustees report

 Item 1
Identifier: Mss 868275
Mss 868275
Date(s): 1868-04-25
Scope and Contents

Seven-page report from the Dartmouth College Trustees Committee to which was referred the claim of J.G. Currier for damage sustained in consequence of the opening of the bowling alleys in the gymnasium.

Dartmouth College Trustees resolution

 Item 1
Identifier: Mss 841107.2
Mss 841107.2
Date(s): 1841-01-07

In English.

Dartmouth College Trustees resolution

 Item 1
Identifier: Mss 811476
Mss 811476
Date(s): 1811-08-26
Scope and Contents

Draft of a resolution by the Dartmouth College Trustees to disperse copies of "Memoirs of the Late Rev. Dr. Eleazar Wheelock" to the library and to the Secretary of the Board of the Trustees.

Dartmouth College Trustees settlement

 Item 1
Identifier: Mss 824615
Mss 824615
Date(s): 1824-11-15

In English.

Dartmouth College Trustees statement

 Item 1
Identifier: Mss 819440
Mss 819440
Date(s): 1819-07

In English.

Dartmouth College Trustees vote

 Item 1
Identifier: Mss 838424
Mss 838424
Date(s): 1838-07-24

In English.

Dartmouth College Trustees vote

 Item 1
Identifier: Mss 788690
Mss 788690
Date(s): 1788-12

In English.

Dartmouth College Trustees vote

 Item 1
Identifier: Mss 790475
Mss 790475
Date(s): 1790-08-25

In English.

Dartmouth College Trustees vote

 Item 1
Identifier: Mss 814611
Mss 814611
Date(s): 1814-11-11
Scope and Contents

Vote of the Trustees of Dartmouth College. They refuse to pass Wheelock's motion that the state be asked to send a committee to examine how far the state "ought to exend their patronage to the Institution." Signed by Stephen Jacob.

Dartmouth College Trustees vote

 Item 1
Identifier: Mss 814611.1
Mss 814611.1
Date(s): 1814-11-11
Scope and Contents

Board of Trustees vote to relieve President Wheelock of duty of hearing Senior Class in Locke, Edwards, and Stuart and appointing Professors Shurtliff, Mason, Adams and Moore to take his place. Signed by Asa McFarland, Secretary.

Dartmouth College Trustees vote

 Item 1
Identifier: Mss 815478
Mss 815478
Date(s): 1815-08-28

In English.

Dartmouth College Trustees vote

 Item 1
Identifier: Mss 815490.1
Mss 815490.1
Date(s): 1815-08

In English.

Dartmouth College Trustees vote

 Item 1
Identifier: Mss 784514
Mss 784514
Date(s): 1784-09-14

In English.

Dartmouth College Trustees vote

 Item 1
Identifier: Mss 819900.3
Mss 819900.3
Date(s): 1819

In English.

Dartmouth College Trustees vote

 Item 1
Identifier: Mss 819900.8
Mss 819900.8
Date(s): 1819

In English.

Dartmouth College Trustees vote

 Item 1
Identifier: Mss 812490.1
Mss 812490.1
Date(s): 1812-08
Scope and Contents

Vote by the Dartmouth College Trustess, signed by John Wheelock and attested by William Henry Woodward to confer the degree of M.A. on Alden Partridge.

Additional filters:

Collection 365
Archival Object 1
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