Freeman, Jonathan, 1745-1808
- Existence: 1745 - 1808
Jonathan Freeman (1745-1808) was a Trustee of Dartmouth College from 1793-1808 as well as Financier of Dartmouth College from 1789-1808. In 1797, Freeman was elected to the U.S. Congress where he served until 1801. As an original Hanover settler and prominent landholder, Freeman was responsible for the first survey of the village as well as its design with the Green at the center.
Found in 127 Collections and/or Records:
John Wheelock letter
Letter from John Wheelock of Dartmouth College to Jonathan Freeman, asking him to survey his Lebanon farm.
John Wheelock letter
John Wheelock of Dartmouth College to Jon. Freeman about 1785 writer agreed in name of trustees that Joseph Lee should have lot on which his house stands for twenty pounds and surrounding lands at eight pounds per acre.
John Wheelock letter
Letter from John Wheelock of Hanover to Jon. Freeman recommending a Sophomore, Adams for aid in paying college expenses.
John Wheelock letter
Letter from John Wheelock of Dartmouth College to Jon. Freeman with a discussion of the college church trouble.
John Wheelock letter
Three page letter from John Wheelock of Dartmouth College to Jonathan Freeman of Philadelphia informingin him that Messrs. Haskell and Burroughs are recommended for a school. Josiah Dunham is recommended highly. Writer gives his opinion of Congress.
John Wheelock letter
Letter from John Wheelock of Dartmouth College to Jon. Freeman about College fire engine.
John Wheelock letter
Letter from John Wheelock of Dartmouth College to Jon. Freeman informing him that the damage of the College in the fire was $100.00. Desires addressee to get engine and see insurance Companies about insuring the college. "It seems we have no alternative left but to defend ourselves with arms or resign our sovereignity as a nation to French."
John Wheelock letter
Letter from John Wheelock of Dartmouth College to Jon. Freeman informing him that the instruction of the Executive of France and management of our envoys will probably weaken the Jacobin's and unite the U.S.. Discusses fire engine.
John Wheelock letter
Letter from John Wheelock of Dartmouth College to Jonathan Freeman of Philadelphia informing him that it seems impossible to make an immediate payment on an engine. Writer thanks Freeman for Harper's speech.
John Wheelock letter
Letter from John Wheelock of Dartmouth College to Jon. Freeman informing him that in this country the people are more united against the conduct of France than ever before in any cause.
John Wheelock letter
Personal letter from John Wheelock of Dartmouth College to Jon. Freeman.
John Wheelock letter
Letter from John Wheelock of Hanover to Jon. Freeman rejoices that Gen. Washington's death did not happen until his people were consolidated and thanks addressee for papers giving details of his death. Asks addressee to procure writer a copy of Constitution of Royal Philosophical Society at London and another of the Am. Philosophical Socety at Philadelphia. Stephen Burroughs and family have gone to Canada.
John Wheelock letter
Letter from John Wheelock of Dartmouth College to Jon. Freeman, telling him that he cannot understand how there can still be friends to France in the United States.
John Wheelock letter
Letter from John Wheelock of Dartmouth College to Jon. Freeman, informing him that he desires addressee to purchase for library "Transactions of the Philadelphia Philosophical Society" bound in four volumes for $18.00.
Jon. Freeman letter
In English.
Jon Freeman letter
In English.
Jon. Freeman letter
In English.
Jon Freeman letter
Letter from Jonathan Freeman of Exter to Nathaniel Peabody with acknowledement of donation of two hundred acres in Landaff to Dartmouth College deeded to Nathaniel Hovey for debt toward by College.
Jon. Freeman letter
Letter from Jon. Freeman of Philadelphia to James D. Westcott, writer's son Randolph set out for West Indies but his ship was captured and burned. Writer has heard that Randolph has been seen in Alexandria Virginia, and begs addressee to send him any information he may have or to advance money to send the boy to writer.
Jon. Freeman letter
Letter from Jon. Freeman of Philadelphia to W.A. Kent regarding lottery. Discussion of doings of Congress approaching election. Hopes New Hampshire will be watchful and not suffer fire of democracy to advance.