Audio Reel-to-Reels (15) and Audio Cassette Tapes (4): Article Quatrieme (Fourth Item); Music, Indian Songs; October 15- Meeting: A Day in October; Dylan Thomas; Grammar I: English; Chapter 12: Exercises 1-3; Indian Tapes: Mandan Legends/George; Indian Songs: Whiteshield Pow-Wow; Lovejoy:Censured 2-11-71; Sr. D(?)anile (lecture); German-Russian Memories in Russia, Russian-German sin North Dakota, German-Russian Immigrants Lecture, undated May Be Restricted at the Box level
Folder: 3, Box: 15
Part of MS-972: Elaine Jahner papers
From the Box:
Audio Material
- undated
Conditions Governing Access
From the Box:
Restricted - under review
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Part of the Rauner Library Archives and Manuscripts Repository