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Box: 1, 1978 - 2002

 Box: 1
Part of MS-929: Dick Hoefnagel papers

  • Staff Only


Contains "George Gissing at Work: A Study of His Notebook" by Pierre Coustillas and Patrick Bridgwater (1988); photocopies of historical articles on Dartmouth College and Hanover, NH (1997-1998); historical articles related to Silas Dean and his poetry (1987); "Dartmouth College Library Bulletin" (1992-2002); "Treasure from Dartmouth College's Rauner Library" (2001); Robe, Cossack, Hat: photocopies of historical articles relating to Dartmouth College and the American Revolution; "The Merchant of Venice" by John Leech with correspondence regarding his painting (1989); "Incunabula" and the Dartmouth College Library (1978-1981); photocopies, correspondence and articles relating to classical emblems (1982, 2002); "Franklin Gazette" (1992); The George Ticknor Room (1984); photocopies of correspondence regarding Lord Nelson (1984); Sterne and Avicenna, notes and queries (1981); correspondence relating to Abraham Lincoln's signatures (1984,1995); obituary of Arthur Mullin and correspondence regarding his death (1996); information regarding the Star Chamber (1985); photocopies, articles and other information relating to Abraham Lincoln.


  • 1978 - 2002

Conditions Governing Access


Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

Part of the Rauner Library Archives and Manuscripts Repository

6065 Webster Hall
Hanover NH 03755 USA

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