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Correspondence Books: Letters: Horace M. Albright; American Red Cross; Re. Antiques; James Armst..., 1915 - 1926

 Box: 52
Identifier: 1
Part of ML-25: Kenneth Roberts papers

  • Staff Only


Correspondence Books: Letters: Horace M. Albright; American Red Cross; Re. Antiques; James Armstrong, (American Consul General, London); Attorney General, (Washington); Re. "Balkan Jottings"; F.L. Balin (American Embassy, Constantinople); Rym Berry; Samuel G. Blythe; Boston Evening Transcript; Boston Post (E.A. Crozier); Brandt & Kirkpatrick; Dana Burnet; Arthur Calder; Re. "California Change"; Re. Princess Cantacuzene; Carberry; Phil Carmen; Robert B. Choate; M. Churchill (Military Intelligence Division); "Cosmopolitan"; George Cryderman, re. antiques; Bill Cunningham; Re. Czechoslovakia; B.G. Dawes; Charles Dawes; Virginia Dawes; Department of State; Donald Duncan; Re. "Eating Through Europe"; Gus Edwards; Re. "Morning After"; Fan letters; Re. "Flying Made Easy"; Henry Ford & Son; Hugh Gibson; Rufus Gilmore; Re. Golf; Re. Greece; Edward M. Groth; Herbert J. Hagerman; Henry B. Hall; Re. "Handing It Back"; "Harper's Bazaar"; Kennett Harris; Rupert Hughes; Re. Hungary; Lillian Hurd; W.W. Husband (Department of Labor); Re. Immigration; Internal Magazine Company (Ray Long); Will Irwin; Re. Italy: "Almost Sunny Italy," "Guests from Italy"; Benjamin Joy (National Shawmut Bank); Hugh Kahler; Re. Kronen; Ring Lardner; George Lorimer; Re. Magyars; Sam Merwin; Y. Mino; Re. Monte Carlo; Christopher Morley; Channing Nash; Adelaide Neall; North American; Paget Literary Agency; Ralph Paine; Palm Beach; George Pattulo, re. Bolshevik play; "Pergola Preferred"; Silas H. Perkins; Re. Polish Legation, Washington; Re. "Poland for Patriotism"; Puck; Kenneth Roberts; Arthur S. Roche; Re. Franklin Roosevelt; "Saturday Evening Post"; Re. "Scheiber Land"; Re. "Scotland for Scotch"; John E. Semmes; Re. Robert P. Skinner; George R. Shanton; "Smart Set"; "The American Magazine"; Re. "The Beer Worshippers"; Re. "The California Ray"; Re. "The Existence of an Emergency"; Re. "The Mysteries of Paris"; Re. "The Rising Irish Tide"; Re. "The Worth of American Citizenship"; Re. "Trial by Travel': Rufus Twombly; Virginia, Portsmouth Chamber of Commerce; Robert Dec. Ward; Robert J. Warner; A. Warren Smith, re. painting her house; Webster; Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson; Ben Ames Williams; "With Neatness and Dispatch"; H.W. Wolfe


  • 1915 - 1926

Conditions Governing Access



From the Collection: 103 linear ft. (112 boxes)

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

Part of the Rauner Library Archives and Manuscripts Repository

6065 Webster Hall
Hanover NH 03755 USA

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