Correspondence Books: Letters, Vol. 18: J. Sanger Attwill; J. Blair Abbott; John W. Abbott; Re. ..., August 1942-July 1943
Correspondence Books: Letters, Vol. 18: J. Sanger Attwill; J. Blair Abbott; John W. Abbott; Re. Thomas and Abijah; Agricultural Experiment Station; James B. Allen; Leo Allen, re. freezers bought from Sherwood; Sterling Allen & Lothrop; Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co.; "America"; American Academy of Arts & Letters; American Antiquarian Society; American Magazine; L.C. Andrew, re. drain tiles and cellar wire; Angus & Robertson, statement; Brook... M. Anspach; Architect of the Capitol; Jane Arnold, re. copy of "Arundel"; Stanley B. Attwood; O.C. Badger; Badger Extinguisher Co.; Re. Baffle; E. Sumner Bailey, re. rosettes; Herbert Baldwin; Bill Bancroft; Barclay's Bank Ltd.; re. U.S. Registered Accounts; Theodore Barrell; Robert Barry; Re. Beans; F. Russell Beebe; Richard Berenson; Henry Beston; Biographical Encyclopedia of the World; Same Blythe; Board of Economic Warfare, re. ban on books for Prisoners of War; Book-of-the-Month Club, re. sales of "Northwest Passage; Leroy Boston; Boston Public Library; Ella Bowles; Brackett & Shaw; Clarence S. Brigham, re. water closets; Brooks Bros.; David Brown, re. indictment in 1799; Steve Brown; William Marshall Bullitt; Mrs. Iva M. Burgess; Garnet Burlingame; Mildred Burrage; Re. Burro; Bank of N.T. Butterfield, statement; Bill Campbell; Scott Campbell; Re. Model canoe; J. S. Canner Co., re. Riley's Narrative; Re. "Capricornia"; Catholic Magazine American; Lester L. Cecil; Constance Charters; Re. Cheap editions; Cherry Hill Nurseries; Chicago Wheel & Mfg. Co., re. accessories for grinder; Bob Choate; Sister Choate; Clara Claasen; Barrett Clark; Thomas H. Clarke, re. ho-bo; Colby College; Joe Cole; W.A. R. Collins; Tom Costain; Frank Cowan; Curtis Brown; Gladys Dalton; Charles G. Dawes; Re. Deep Freeze; Department of Agriculture, Augusta; Jacob Devers; District Court of the U.S., Boston; Dog license; Joy Dow, Virginia Drew; Coert DuBois; Re. Ducks; Ann Dudley; William Eaton; Edwards & Walker; "Encore"; Fan letters: Graves, Benjamin, Boynton, Woods, Allen, Perkins, Levine, Grimaldi, Long, Barker, Fritz, Nelson, Ratner, Probst, Sgt. Eldredge, Rose, Eckhouse, Stork, Cervantes, Astbury, Heller, Murrau, Nason, Wilke, Gallagher, Piessler, Johnson, Powell; Farm Journal; Fifth Infantry Regiment, letter from chaplain; Filene's, re. lamps; Frank H. Firnchild; Clara N. Fogg; Foster Bros., re. frames; Ernest J. Freeman; Dick Fuller, Joseph A. Gainard; Arthur W. Gardner; Re. Geese; Arthur Gibbs; Gin recipe; Re. Goats; Earl Godwin, Re. Gold leaf; Janet Gould; "Gourmet"; Ferris Greenslet; Guggenheim Memorial Foundation; Gumps; Robert Hale; Barton Hall; Re. Harrow; Re. Hay; John V. Healy; Edible Herbs; Edwin J. Hipkiss, re. painters in 1898; Waldo C. Hogdon; E.W. Holland; Home Storage for Vegetables; Robert W. Howard; Fred Hubbs; V. Earl Irons; Malcolm Johnson; Melvin M. Johnson; H.I. Jordan; Gertrude Kelley; Isaiah Kelley; Kennebunkport High School; Frank King; King Features Syndicate; Henry LaCossitt; Patricia Lambert; Re. Lamps; David Lawrence; Re. Tobias Lear; Re. Haiti Leogane; Arthur Levine; Jay Lewis; Charles T. Libby; Library of Congress; Burford Lorimer; Graeme Lorimer; Re. "Lost Colony"; Raymond H. Lovejoy; James H. MacDonald; John P. Mack; Marine Corps Insignia; Joan Marion; Lawrence Martin; William Matthews, Seth McCormick; Mrs. W.N. McCrillis, re. peat moss; Carlton B. McCulloch; Mrs. James Hutchinson; Alfred McIntyre; Re. Metal plates; Herbert Middleton, re. tobacco; Marjorie Mills; George Minot; Montgomery Ward; Re Mushrooms; E. Ronald Nason; Leonard H. Nason; Mollie Nason. Re. Nason portrait; Stephen Nason; National Archives; National Archives Project, Rockland; National Broadcasting Company; Frank A. Nathan; Navy, re. loaned chart; "New York Times Book Review; Robert Livingston Nicholson; Leigh M. Nisbet; Re. Norden sight; "Northwest Passge"; Nugent & Gerson; Grace Lee Nute; Wallace Nutting; Harold Ober; Oil, record of our consumption; "Oliver Wiswell", Re. Osgoodites; Otis Point Property, re. offer to Navy; Pajamas; Parker House, re. bar glasses; Pastel Crayons; Re. Split peas; Peat Moss; Pebble Beach Property; R.W. Penley; Everett Perkins; Nathan Perry; Re. Pine Tree Blight; Re. Powder Horns: Re. Preference rating; Re. Rabbits; Re. U.S. Rangers; Refrigeration Corp of America; Marjorie Reynolds, re. writing authors; J.H. Robb; Nathan Robbins, re. ducks and geese; Roberts, re. genealogy; Kenneth Roberts; D. Kilham Roberts; Robert B. Rogers; Lucia Rollins; Sherwood Rollins; Edward Clary Root; H. Danforth Ross, re. Brennan bill; H.D. Rouzer; Re. John Royal; Sanitary Supply Company; "Saturday Evening Post"; Schrafft's, re. ducks; A.P. Schutze; Kenneth Scott; Re. Seashore Company's Property; James K. Seldon; Harold J. Shaw; Shaw's Market; C.J. Shaw-Mackenzie; E.E. Shumaker; C.L Sibley; Luise Sillcox; Re. Skunk cabbage; Mrs. Almon J. Smith, re. Japs; Edson B. Smith; Society for Authors; Soldiers and Sailors' Club; Donald Spencer; Stanley & Cadigan; Woodbury Stevens; Rex Stout; Julian Street; Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, re. Thomas & Abijah Adams; Re. Swags and rosettes; Tackle and Fall; Re. Tank horses; Booth Tarkington; Mrs. T.A. Terry; Charles Thompson; Thresher & Kelley; G.D. Tilley; Tire Certificate; Re. Tobacco; Rachel I. Towne; Re. Translation of books; Treasury Department; "Trending into Maine," re. sales; Irita van Doren; United States Department of the Interior; University of Maine; Dorothy Vaughan; Marjorie Wagner; War Manpower Commission, re. shortage of labor on farms; War Production Board, re. tackle and fall; Christopher L. Ward; Dale Warren; Re. Watches; Water Analysis; Robert S. Watson; T.W. Watson, manuscript; W.B. Ward, re. home storage of vegetables; Carl J. Weber; Webhannet Golf Club; WEEI Food Fair Magazine; Weekly Sales; Herbert F. West; Re. Whiskey glasses; Wallace H. White; Wide World Features, Max Wilkinson; Ben Williams; Floss Williams; Re. Wood baskets; Re. Wood carving tools; Writer's War Board; Yamanaka, re. Tang horses; A.N. Ziegler
See moreDates
- August 1942-July 1943
Conditions Governing Access
From the Collection: 103 linear ft. (112 boxes)
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Part of the Rauner Library Archives and Manuscripts Repository