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Correspondence Books: Letters, Vol. 21: Carl W. Ackerman; Allen, Sterling & Lothrop; American An..., March-November 1945

 Box: 65
Identifier: 1
Part of ML-25: Kenneth Roberts papers


Correspondence Books: Letters, Vol. 21: Carl W. Ackerman; Allen, Sterling & Lothrop; American Antiquarian Society; American Forests; American Legion; Rule for antiquing copper; "Armed Services Editions"; Arrow Upholstery Company; Arthur K. Dearborn Insurance Co.; "Arundel," re. Edward Morrill; J. Sanger Attwill; Augusta College Club; Authors' League of America; Avon Book Company; Herbert L. Baldwin; Bill Bancroft; Lee Barker; M.J. Barker; Mrs. Robert Barton; L.L. Bean; Min Beaton, re. fish dealer; Belfast Packing Company; Bell & Howell Company; Richard Berenson; Ralph Billings; Alton H. Blackington, Re. Bluebelle; Re. Bomoseen; Alice D. Bond; Royal Boston, Jr.; Boston Book Fair; Boston Boot Makers; Boston Public Library; Clarence S. Brigham; Ernest L. Brigham; Brooks Brothers, re. ice bucket and shirts; Leroy C. Brown; Hamp Bryant, re. General Sturgis; Jesse H. Buffum; Erskine Caldwell; Henry S. Canby; "Captain Caution"; Philip D. Carman; "Re. Cats-eyes; Frank Chamberlain; Walter Channing; Bruce Chapman; Charts of discounts on Doubleday books; Cherry Hill Nurseries; Robert Choate; Sister Choate; Clara Claasen; Howard M. Clute; C.H. Cole, re. insurance for Brennan house; W.A.R. Collins; Sam E. Conner; Copper, re. coloring and finishing; Arnaldo Cortesi; Frank I. Cowan; Curtis Brown; Re. DDT; Re. Dandelions; Dartmouth College Library; Chester L. Dawes; Bradley Dewey; Mrs. William Dexter; Re. Dogfish; Nelson Doubleday; Joy Dow; Downes Lumber Company; Coert DuBois; Editorial, Food ad Farm Labor; Robert L. Eichelberger; Charles Ewing; H. Faber; Fan letters: Clair, Thom, Abbott, Kerswill, Luter, Faust, Hoyt, Koemig, Peltier, Lerman, Barry, Pfeiffer, Lawrence, Wenneis, Hatch, Holter, Poston, Marshall, Stevens; Scott, Edminster, Tichacek, Berkove, Humphrey, Rousseau, Pew, McIver, Rehm, Powell, Twombly, Hayes, Davis, Nason, St. John, Killam, Barnes, Hemler, Tricebock, Jeffrey, Hayes, Zimmermann, Ellis, Mrs. Champlin, Harpur, inmate of lunatic asylum, John Packard, Donald Packard, Boyd, Woodings, Bramon, Alves; E.H. Faulkner; Re. Fertilizer distributer; Franklin L. Fisher; Fog; Re. Fort Wentworth; Fred Eldean Organization, re. hobbies; French Spoliation Claims; Marion Cobb Fuller; Re. Article on fur-bearing fish; Garden chart of plantings; Jesse B. Gay, re. Gus; B. Gerson & Company, re. pajamas; Arthur Gibbs; Harvey D. Gibson; Ginsburg & Levi, re. mirrors; Re. Gold braid; Goodspeed's Book Shop; Albert T. Gould; R.E. Gould; Jadwiga Grabowski, Ferris Greenslet; Re. Gus; Robert Hale; T. Truxton, Hare Jr.; Re. Harrowing; Re. Electric hair dryer; Frank Higgins; Bill Hill; Ernest Hoftyzer; Ernest Martin Hopkins; American Youth Hostels; A.J. Huston; Institute Francais de Washington; Fred Jennings; John Powell & Company, re. DDT dust; M.A. Johnson (Rutgers University), re. tomatoes; Malcolm Johnson; Hugh Kahler; Kennebunkport Post Office Mural; Frank King; John Oliver LaGorce; Leo Lerman, re. Highways of the World; Jay Lewis, Library of Congress, re. French Spoliation Claims; Rod Littlefield; Liquor Mart; Milton Lord; Joseph Louis; Raymond Lovejoy; Lucas Tree Company; Maine Publicity Bureau; Re. Maps; MIT Library, re. Arundel collection; MTQ; A.N. Marquis Company; Grace E. Hutchinson; Alfred McIntyre; Re. Melba toast; Robert H. Morris; Ira Mosher; Mt. Hermon School; Hugh Munro, re. fishing place in Florida; Re. Mushrooms; Leonard Nason; Stephen Nason; National Geographic Magazine, Sutherland; National League of American Pen Woman; "Nature Outlook"; Adelaide Neall; New England Cupboard; "New England Homestead"; John S. Newberry, Jr.; Newspaper advertisers; Nicolson's ; Leigh M. Nisbet; Northeast Airlines; Re. Discoloration of oak leaves; Frank W. Ober; Harold Ober; Vrest Orton, re. cheese; D. Earle Osgood, re. harrowing; Pajamas: G.G. Parry; Pennsylvania Historical Society; Perry Iron & Metal Company; Nathan Perry; Dudley L. Pickman, Jr.; Piscataqua Pioneers; Arlene Plante, re. Joe; Joseph Plante, re. loan; Portland Public Library, re. French Spoliation Claims; Potatoes; Honorius Provost, re. MTQ; Rangers; L.C. Rawson; Reader's Digest; F.J. Reny; Re. Oscar Richards; Rifles; F.E. Rimbach; D. Kilham Roberts; Kenneth Roberts; N.H. Roberts; Re. Terry Robes; Lillian Robins; Robert Rogers; Sherwood Rollins; Charles G. Ross; Rototiller, Inc.; Harold G. Rugg; Sagadahoc Fertilizer Co.; Re. Atlantic salmon; Re. Scythe blades; Bonar Seaforth; Seashore Company; W.N. Seaver; Bill for shad; Harold J. Shaw; Ruth Shipley; Clifford K. Shipton; Re. Shirts; Shreve, Crump & Low, re. identification bracelet; Luise Sillcox; Fred Simpach; Re. Shoes; Edson Smith; Alex Smith; Re. Song list; State of Maine, Department of Health and Wellness, re. springs; State of Maine Industries; State Police; F.H. Steinmetz, re. mushrooms; Philip van Doren Stern; Woodbury Stevens, re. price for Seashore Co. land; Julian Street; Sam D. Sturgis; Celia H. Sturtesvant; "The Reader"; Re. Tomatoes; John H. Underhill; University of Maine, Department of Forestry; University of Vermont (John S. Millis); U.S. Department of Agriculture (Soil Conservation); Van Alen; Dale Warren; Re. George Washington's dentist; Water Analysis; Weekly Sales Slip; Wallace H. White; Ben Ames Williams; Floss Williams; Williams Book Store; Russell Williams, re. Bluebelle; "Woman's Day Magazine"; Eugene J. Woods; Writer's War Board; Re. N.C. Wyeth; Yale University Press, re. St. Mery book


  • March-November 1945

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From the Collection: English

Part of the Rauner Library Archives and Manuscripts Repository

6065 Webster Hall
Hanover NH 03755 USA

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