Correspondence Books: Letters, Vol. 24: Randolph G. Adams; Walt Akerman, re. pumps; Allen, Sterl..., March-August 1947
Correspondence Books: Letters, Vol. 24: Randolph G. Adams; Walt Akerman, re. pumps; Allen, Sterling & Lothrop; American Antiquarian Society (Brigham); Brook M. Anspach; Claude Arnold; Elliott Arnold; Re. Asparagus; Autographs (Benjamin); BBC; Lake Baldridge; Bill Bancroft; Barclays Bank; Lee Barker; Ross E. Bartley; Lucius Beebe; Re. Beer; Re. Belts; Henro Benoit; Richard Berenson; Re. Bermuda; Ralph Billings; Douglas Black; Alice D. Bond; Book-of-the-Month Club, re. "Lydia Bailey"; Leslie Roswell; Harold Bourne; Erd Brandt; Donald Bryant; Spence Burton; Bank of N.T. Butterfield, re. Bermuda; E. Scott Campbell; Constance Charters; Bob Chase; Bob Choate; H.G. Christie; Re. Cigars; Clara Claasen; Bill for Clover; William Collins; Community Chests of America; Cornell University; John M. Craige; Wingate F. Cram; George N. Dale; Depositor's Trust Company; Nelson Doubleday; Joy Dow; Editions de La Paix; Robert L. Eichelberger; Josiah M. Erickson; Frank Firnschild; Orville Forts; Melville Freeman; Leo Friedlander; Charles E. Funk; Arthur Gibbs; Re. Gold leaf; "Good Maine Food"; Goodspeed's Book Shop; Ferris Greenslet; Robert Hale; Hare T. Truxton; Ben Hibbs; Edwin J. Hipkiss, re. old coins; Historical Society of Pennsylvania (R.N.Williams); Paul Hollister; Re. IPC; International Thesaurus, re. quotation; Invitations; Malcolm Johnson; Kimball Arms Company; Joe Kindig; King Woodman; Frederic R. Kirkland, re. review of "Lydia Bailey"; Re. Ladder; George E. Lawrence; Charles Lee; Jay Lewis, re. his death; Literary agent; Literary Corporation of America; Mrs. John Little; "Lydia Bailey"; Jack Mactaggart; John Marquand; Mrs. W.N. McCrillis; Alfred McIntyre; Moreau de St. Mery; Robert Norris; Countess Harmynia Zur Muehlen; Bill Mullins, re. gold leaf; Adelaide Nealle; Hoffman Nickerson; David H. Oakes; Ohio Brass Company; Re. Oldsmobile; Robert Olson, re. Del Monte property; Ottawa Mfg. Company, re. Buzz Master; Packard Motor Company; Re. Pajamas; Katherine Pediconi; O.P. Peterson; Kenneth Phillips; Millard Phillips; Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, re. IPC; Henry Pleasants, re. his book; Pulitzer's Prize Hair Pull; Pumps and water systems; "Rabble in Arms"; Howell E. Rees (Nassau Development Board); Lord Rennell; Rifles; D. Kilham Roberts; Lillian Robins; Re. Roger's Rangers; Re. Rose-breasted Grosbeak; Royal Bank of Canada; Harold G. Rugg; A. Milton Runyon; Harry P. Sands; "Saturday Evening Post"; Hans M. Schulman; Second National Bank of Boston; Joyce Winthrop Shoes; Ruth B. Shipley; Walter F. Siegmund, re. rifles; Luise Sillcox; Lawrence Smith; Society of Authors' June Souza; Re. St. George property; Sam Sturgis; Milo J. Sutliff; John Tebbel, re. Lorimer; Kerge's terry-cloth bathrobe; U.S. Marine Corps, re. writing history of 2nd Marine Division; Thank-you notes; "The Week Magazine"; University of New Hampshire (Yeager), re. beans; University of Washington, re. Writer's Conference; R.W.G. Vail; Vogue Studios; Frederick Watson, re. Phineas Bond; Weekly Sales Slips; Paul White, re. Ken's heart; Ben Williams; Mrs. Kent Willig (Getty); Winged American Airlines; J.P. Wood; Jim Worcester; Re. Wyoming massacre
- March-August 1947
Conditions Governing Access
From the Collection: 103 linear ft. (112 boxes)
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Part of the Rauner Library Archives and Manuscripts Repository