Correspondence Books: Letters, Vol. 26: Allis-Chalmers, re. WF tractor; Wal Akerman, re. pumps; ..., July 1947-February 1948
Correspondence Books: Letters, Vol. 26: Allis-Chalmers, re. WF tractor; Wal Akerman, re. pumps; American Antiquarian Society; American Writer's Association; David Appel; Re. Asparagus; Author's League; Autograph seekers; Herbert Baldwin; LeBaron Barker; E. Ross Bartley; John Baxter; F.N. Beardmore; Lucius Beebe; Richard Berenson; Bermuda; Ralph Billings; Douglas Black; Alton H. Blackington; Re. Bodley Head; Alice D. Bond; List of book dealers; Boorum & Pease; Leslie Boswell; Bowdoin College; Brannen's Cabinet Shop; Bridge Construction Company; Stanley Bromley; Donald Bryant; Canadian National; Re Cap Huff; "Captain Caution"; Re. Cattle; Chi Psi Lodge; Robert B. Choate; Harold Christie; Re. Cigars; Clara Claasen; Thomas Clarke; Re. Clay; Joe Cole; Re. Collaboration; W.A.R. Collins; Consolidated Industries; Herbert Corey; "Coronet Magazine"; Country Gentleman (Robert Reed); Bill Cunningham; George M. Dale; Depository's Trust Company, re. Atkins lot; Bernard DeVoto; E.L. Dodds; Nelson Doubleday; Joy Dow; Gabriel Duguay; Editions Del La Paix; Re. Smoked eels; Robert L. Eichelberger; Dwight Eisenhower, re. sale of his memoirs; Lord Essendon; Re. Fan; Fan letters: Bouska, Sickel, Ball, Nichols, Crampton, Holtham, Gump, Conner, Ephlin, Rollo, Trottier; Fire Prevention League; Frank Firnschild; Sidney Fleisher; H.N. Flynt; Joe Fountain; Charles Funk, re. his book; Funk & Wagnalls Company; German publisher; M.A. Gibbons; Arthur Gibbs; Gold coins (Schulman); Ferris Greenslet; Re. Guns; Haiti, re. filming "Lydia Bailey"; Robert Hale; Re. Harrow cut-away; Ben Hibbs; Holle Verlag & Company; Paul Hollister; Re. Hot buttered rum; Connie Hutchins; Invitations; Re. I.P.C.; Re. Japanese manuscripts; Re. Jari Cutter; Malcolm Johnson; Robert H. Jones; Ida Jean Kain; Kennebunkport High School; J.T. Kennedy; Jay Lewis; Re. Lime; Paul List (German publisher); "Lively Lady," re. Bodley Head edition; Lois Long, re. her father; William J. Long; Raymond Lovejoy; Frank E. Lowe; "Lydia Bailey"; Jack Mactaggert; John McCaffery; Mrs. W.N. McCrillis, re. stonemeal; Alfred McIntyre; Re. Old military road; Milton Academy; Stewart L. Mims; Re. Mineral oil; Herbert Mitler; Coleen Moore; Re. Moreau; Robert Morris; Re, Jacob Mosser; Hermynia Muhlen; Paul E. Nason; Stephen Nason; National Institute of Arts and Letters; Leigh Nisbet; "Northwest Passage"; "Oliver Wiswell"; Oriental Rug Shop; Oster Mfg. Co., re. dog clipper; Pan Am; John Parsons; Re. Pebble Beach property; Katherine Pediconi; S.H.P. Pell; Arthur B. Perry; Re. Super Phosphate; Re, Philadelphia Libraries; Henry Pleasants; Re. French prints; Pulsifer Hale, re. construction of Rocky pasture; Re. Pumps; "Rabble in Arms"; P.W. Rairden, re. French prints of vessels; LeGrand Reed; Name of researcher; Kenneth Roberts; Edward C. Root; Harold G. Rugg; George Rupp; Harry P. Sands; "Saturday Evening Post"; Hans Schulman (old coins); Adrian Scolton; Brooks Shepard; Re. Ship models; Luise Sillcox; Lawrence Smith; Society of Authors; Re. Socks; Re. Station wagon; Name of stenographer; Samuel Sturgis; Milo Sutliff, re. RIA; Tax tips for writers; John Tebbel; Thank you notes; "The World's Best"; "This Week Magazine"; Trader Vic; University of New Hampshire (Yeager); Vacheron & Constantin; R.W.G. Vail; Valcour Island; Water dowsing, re. Shepard; Isaac Webber; Weekly Sales Slips; Well driller; Paul White; Ben Ames Williams; Frederic H. Wood; James Wood; Roy C. Woods
- July 1947-February 1948
Conditions Governing Access
From the Collection: 103 linear ft. (112 boxes)
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Part of the Rauner Library Archives and Manuscripts Repository