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Correspondence Books: Letters, Vol. 27: Norris G. Abbott, re. old letters; Reed D. Achauer, re. ..., February 1948-January 1949

 Box: 71
Identifier: 1
Part of ML-25: Kenneth Roberts papers

  • Staff Only


Correspondence Books: Letters, Vol. 27: Norris G. Abbott, re. old letters; Reed D. Achauer, re. steamship, California; Randolph G. Adams; Charles E. Allen, re. sawmills; Paul Allen; American Academy of Arts and Letters; American Booksellers Association, basic book list; American Chemical Paint Company, re. Kromer sprayers; William Anderson (tailor); Brooke Anspach; Antiques, re. eagles; A.P. Reporter in Van Buren, Maine, re. fires; Re. Arnold Benedict; Elliott Arnold; Artists, Ltd.; Re. Asparagus; Associate Press; Re. Athlete's Foot; "Atlantic Monthly" (Ted Weeks); Re. Austin; Warren R. Austin; Author's Guild Program; Autograph seekers; Herbert Baldwin, re. resignation; Bill Bancroft; Lee Barker; Barker Mfg. Company; E. Ross Bartley, re. Woods; Bath Iron Works; A.P. Beach, re. F.F. Peters' book; Ernest Bennett, re. artist friend; Richard Berenson; Bermuda; Ralph Billings; Morris Bishop; Frank Blake; William Bluck & Company, re. "sick glass"; Stuart Blythe; Bodley Head, re. "Arundel" and "Lively Lady"; Boston Bootmaker; Boston Public Library; Re. Glass bottles; Alice D. Bond; Bowdoin College, re. "Oliver Wiswell" loan; Boy Scouts of America; Bruce Brown; Donald Bryant; Hamp Bryant; Re. Steamship "California"; Canadian National; Howard Chapelle; Chaplin Motor Company; Chi Psi Lodge; Re. Chicken pox; Robert B. Choate; Cholesterol diet; H.G. Christie; Church Co., re. tureens; Clara Claasen; S.A. Cobb; Colby College; Joe Cole; Collins Publishers; Committee on Public Affairs; Consolidated Industries; Re. Copper Union Reform; Cornell University; G. Marshall Crawford; Re. Cricket; James C. Crockett; Bill Cunningham; James Curley; Current books; Currier and Ives plates; Harry Curtis; Nellie Dalrymple, re. strange cargos; Ding Darling; Charles G. Dawes; Josef C. Dine; Nelson Doubleday, obituary; Joy Dow; "Down Maine," re. expression; Virginia Drew; Mrs. John Drucquer; Coert DuBois; Charles Durham; Re. Letter of William Eaton; Robert L. Eichelberger; Fan letters; Kirk, Hodgdon, Tyson, Serafini, Hester, Broughall, Wilkinson, Stratton, Perkins, Lufkin, Bradley, Abel, Bennett, Katz, Hunt, Bonorden, Rambeau, Haimbach, Hight, Russell, Elosna, Hilliard, Swasey, Sweeney, Goodwin, Van Loan, Lee, Flint, Langdon, Jugoslav, Lindquist, Dwight, Felland, Stancil, Joy, Bumgarner, Schuman, Terwilliger, Lord, Wilder, Emrich, Puniet-Parry, Standaert, Speas, Dounie, Hutchinson, Baleria, Conti, Catone, Visnow, Sheridan, Young, Brown, Kysela; Re. Farm foreman; Joseph E, Fields; Fire Prevention League; Alice Ford; Joe Fountain; Francis Edwards; Charles W. Furlong; M.A. Gibbons, re. Tideway; A. Hamilton Gibbs; Re. Godwin family; "Gourmet"; Ray Grant; Graphologists; Joseph H. Green; Ferris Greenslet; Greig, Laurence & Hoyt (liquor); J.A. Greenwood, re. headgear in Rogers' day; Gilbert Grosvenor; Caroline Guild; Edwin Hainibach, Robert Hale; R.M. Hammond; Handwriting expert; Re. Harrow (Towner); Zoa Grace Hawley; Edwin J. Hipkiss; Sydney Hooper; Re. Powder horn; House of Whittemore (book publisher); Joseph R. Houston; Ripert Hughes, Tony Hutchins; Invitations; James L. Jenks; Malcolm Johnson; Re. Samuel I. Johnson; Ann Kerr-Munro; Fiske Kimball; Oliver LaFarge, re. American Indian; Willis Lindquist; Paul List Verlag, re. "Northwest Passage"; Re. Lithomat stock; "Lively Lady"; DeWitt Lucas; "Lydia Bailey"; Mrs. Otto Madlener; Magazine of Sigma Chi; Mrs. David Mallory; Re. Lewis Evans map; John Marquand; Re. Paul Mavrogordat; W.R. McAdams (oculist); Isabel McClumpha; Ken McCormick; A.T. McCrillis; Alfred McIntyre; Return Jonathan Meigs, re. descendents; Re. James A. Mills; Horace Mitchell; Re. Robert B. Merriman; Robert T. Monroe; Robert Montgomery, re. Tonybee; Moreau de St. Mery; Robert Morris; Re. Mosquito control; Donald Munro (neurosurgeon); John B. Nason, re. family; National Broadcasting Company (Josef C. Dine); National Council for Historical Sites and Buildings; National Institute of Arts and Letters; Re. National Roadside Council; Winifred Nerney; Martha Newcome; John R. Newell; Newman Studio; Leigh M. Nisbet; Old Fort at No. 4 Associates; "Northwest Passage"; Nut letters; Mary G. Nye; Re. Oak leaves; Odeon (Czech publisher); Charles Oerter, re. signs; "Oliver Wiswell";May G. Orrell; Re. Paintings; S.H.P. Pell; Pennsylvania Historical Commission; Stanley I. Perham; Re, Perkins Metallic Tractors; Henry Pleasants; Re. Two-way disc plow; Portland Tourist Co.; Portsmouth Naval Base; Powder horn; Winthrop Pratt; Gifford M. Proctor; Re. Pulaski; "Rabble in Arms"; P.W. Rairden, re. Beaugean prints; Real Estate; Reuters Ltd.: Re. Rifle; Kenneth Roberts; H.P. Robinson; Pete Rollins; George Rupp, re. Lewis Evans map; Granger Ryan; Harry Sands; Satterlee, Warfield & Stephens; "Saturday Evening Post"; "Saturday Review of Literature"; Henry Schindall; Hans M.F. Schulman; Ship model repairer (Winthrop Pratt); Re. Shoes; C.L. Sibley; Edson Smith; J. Somers Smith; Laurence Smith; Society of American Historians; Society of Authors; Lincoln Spencer; Howard B. Sprague; Squirrel's nest; Mrs. Roger Strauss; Tailors; Booth Tarkington; "This Week Magazine"; Re. Thoreau; Re. Tideway; Re. Tourmalines; Re. Professor Toynbee; Conway Trott, re. Austin; U.S. Department of Agriculture; U.S. Naval Institute; United World Federalists of Maine; University of Maine; Glen Vail; William L. Van Alen; H.M. Van Buren, re. Goodwin family; Recipe for making vinegar; Wanta-writer; Warehouse Point Company, re. Kromer sprayer; Webber Hospital Building Fund; Weekly Sales Slips; Ted Weeks; Paul Wentz; Re. Whiskey; Ben Ames Williams; Wallace H. White; Mrs. Grant Wood; James Wood; Writing questionnaire; Cyril Young, re. "Arundel" and "Lively Lady" in South Africa


  • February 1948-January 1949

Conditions Governing Access



From the Collection: 103 linear ft. (112 boxes)

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

Part of the Rauner Library Archives and Manuscripts Repository

6065 Webster Hall
Hanover NH 03755 USA

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