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Correspondence Books: Letters, Vol. 29: G.E. Akerson; L. Akerstein; American Academy of Arts and..., May 1949-June 1950

 Box: 73
Identifier: 1
Part of ML-25: Kenneth Roberts papers

  • Staff Only


Correspondence Books: Letters, Vol. 29: G.E. Akerson; L. Akerstein; American Academy of Arts and Letters; American Historical Review; American Kennel Club; List of anchovies; Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc.; Norman Armour; Arthritis & Rheumatism Foundation; Bailey, Banks & Biddle Co.; Frank Bailey; H.L. Baldwin; Bill Bancroft; Barclay's Bank Limited; Mrs. W. Barclay; J.D. Barnum; P.C. Beam (Bowdoin College); Mary A. Benjamin; Berenson Liquor Mart; Bermuda Police Department; "The Bermudian"; Romeyn Berry; B.B. Birdsall; A.N. Bliven; Boston Boot Makers; "Boston Herald," re. Elizabeth Browne; W.E. Bowman; J.H.F. Brannon; Brick Store Museum, Jim Britt; Re. Elizabeth Browne; K.H. Browne; H. Addington Bruce; Burch Plow Works, Inc.; Burr Nurseries; A & G. J. Caldwell Rum; Calvary Methodist Church; Scott Campbell; "Captain Caution"; J. Carson; Webster Cartoon; Willa Cather; Re. Ceramics; Mrs. Warner Chandler; H.I. Chapelle; Mrs. A.T. Chase; Cherry Hill Nurseries; Charles D. Childs; Robert Choate; Sister Choate; Clara Claasen; Thomas Clarke; Mrs. C.E. Clough; Colby College; Colby Library Quaterly; C.H. Cole & Sons; B. Collins; C.E. Colton; Cornell University; Cornell Women's Club of New York; Lothan Cross; Charles G. Dawes; Stephen Decatur; Depositor's Trust Company, re. Atkins property; Doubleday; Joy Dow; "Down East"; C. DuBois; W.S. Duncan; Agnes Eckhardt; Robert L. Eichelberger; "El Norte" newspaper of Mexican provinces; W.P. Emmons; G.W. Ender; Episcopal Academy; Fan letters: Alexander, Applegate, Banta, Boyd, Bayer, Breeze, Bridge, Brown, Burgess, Burroughs, Callahan, Chapin, Collyer, Craig, Crocker, Cruickshank, Cummings, Davenport, Demarest, Drew, Dunkell, Ehrenberg, Farley, Fernald, Fielding, Finch, Fleming, Giordano, Grant, Green, Greene, Gridley, Groom, Hamm, Hardy, Harris, Hayes, Hewit, Hight, Hopson, How, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, King, Lauten, Leland, Lockhart, McNamara, McNulty, Maris, Martin, Morrison, Mulkerns, Nickerson, Oerter, Ostrander, Patton, Pluck, Pollock, Poulson, Price, Regney, Ristan, Roberts, Sacco, Salmon, Seifried, Sheadley, Sherwin, Sommers, Stark, Swanson, Taylor, Vanderpool, Ward, Weiner, White, Wolcott, Yenser; Joe Fountain; J.H. Fountain; Mortimer Frankel; French Institute, re. loan for Haiti exhibit; Verne Fuller; Joseph Garnier; M.A. Gibbons; A.H. Gibbs; E.P. Gibson; A.R. Glancy; Kaname Gorai, re. translation of books into Japanese; Raymond Grant; Ferris Greenslet; Grobier Society; Governor Gruening (Alaska); Carrie Guild; Haiti; Robert Hale; Hal Roach Studios; I.C. Hanners; Ione Harlow; B. Hibbs; Florence Hildreth; Paul Hollister; Nellie Hoxie; E.M. Hunt; A. Jakstas; Jennison, Taylor & Co.; Malcolm Johnson; Baynard Kendrick; Kennebunkport Women's Exchange; Kennels; Frank Kent; Keyes Company; Paul Kieser; Fran King; Kinnard Inc.; KR; G.R. Kragel; Re. Ladder back chair; J.O. LaGorce; Lakeshore Playhouse; The Laminators; N. Landstrom; E.F. Lane; J.W. Lane; E. Lang; Virginia Lawrence; Smith Lawrence; Mr. and Mrs. Leborge; G.B. Lockhart; "Lydia Bailey"; Harry McBride; Mrs. A. McKennie; V.V. McNitt; J. Marquand; Massachusetts Maine Daughters; C.S. Mill; Marjorie Mills; Mondadori; Mrs. D. Moon; B.N. Morang; R.C. Morrison; Ann Monroe-Kerr; J.D. Murphie; Museum of Fine Arts; Re. Mushrooms; Re. Mushroom ketchup; A.R. Nagle; Joseph G. Nason; Stephen Nason; Committee on National Capital; "Nation's Business"; Needlework Shop; Wilton Neuert Associates; Newark News; Martha Newcombe; New England Forestry Foundation; New Hampshire Historical Society; New Liberty; Newspaper clippings; New York Historical Society, re. Elizabeth Browne portrait; New York Public Library; New York State Historical Society; "New York World Telegram"; Dick Nickerson; Leigh Nisbet; E.H. Noraian; D.R. Nugent; October, 6, 1759, clipping; Neal O'Hara; Ohio Weslyan; Miss E.K. Paige; Mrs. Haven Parker; G.T. Parsons; J.J. Parsons; W.C. Patterson; Flavia Pediconi; Mrs. R. Pender; Phi Beta Kappa Associates; The Free Library of Philadelphia; Photographs; Photo Service; Portrait restorer (Alfred Jakstas); Jack Preble; Price; Puttencove Kennels; "Rabble in Arms"; P.W. Rairden; Reader's Digest; Wallace C. Reid; W.M. Reid; Ribbons, Winder & Sons; David Robertson; Re. Roger's Rangers; Rohm & Haas Company; Harold G. Rugg; Henry P. Sands; Hans M.F. Schulman; G.D. Scott; Rose M. Seavey; Second National Bank of Boston; Norman Shaftel; Ruth Shipley; C.L. Skelton; R.N. Skilton; A;L. Smalley; E.B. Smith; J.H. Snow; Louise Snow; Society of the Cincinnati Of NJ; E.W. Squires; S.S. Pierce Company; W.F. Steeley; Paul Saint Gaudens; H.E. Stover; E. Streeter; Norman Stuckey, R.C. Sturgis; J.W. Sutherland; Frank Swan; John Tebbel; Lowell Thomas; Re. Ticondaroga cannon; H.S. Toed; "True" Magazine; P.C. Tucker; J.G. Turner; United World Federalists of Maine; Sammy van Allen; Dorothy Vaughan; Paul List Verlag; E.J. Vogeler; A. Wagstaff; H.F. Waidner; Mrs. J. Waliszek; A.M. Walker; Mrs. G.A. Welsh; H.F. West; American Whiskey, Lehman Bros; Max Wilkinson; B.A. Williams; R.C. Williams; Women's Republican Club of Massachusetts; Cora P. Woodward; Jim Worcester; Young, Trott & Co. Ltd.


  • May 1949-June 1950

Conditions Governing Access


Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

Part of the Rauner Library Archives and Manuscripts Repository

6065 Webster Hall
Hanover NH 03755 USA

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