Correspondence Books: Letters, Vol. 31: Academy of Radio & TV Arts & Sciences; F.L. Adams; R.M. ..., June 1951-June 1952
Correspondence Books: Letters, Vol. 31: Academy of Radio & TV Arts & Sciences; F.L. Adams; R.M. Allen; American Legion; J.M. Andrews; Arizona Brewing Company; Wi Arvanetes; J.S. Attwill; Bailey, Banks & Biddle Co.; F.O. Bailey; Baker; Bald Hill; H.L. Baldwin; C.G. Bamberger; Schweizerische Bankgesellschaft; Barclay's Bank France; W. Barrett & Son, re. hotels; Ross E. Bartley; Bates College Bulletin; M. Bedford; John Bell; W.R. Benjamin, re. "Invictus"; Berenson Liquor Mart; Biddeford Broadcasting Corporation; A.H. Blackington; Bodley Head; Book Catalogue; Alma Boslow; "Boston Globe"; Boston University School of Education; M.G. Bouquet; H. Braun; Brown Company; Brown University; Ken Browne; William B. Buckley; Jesse Buffum; J.T. Busbee, Jr.; Cat's Eyes; Canadian Authors Association; R.E. Charles; Geraldine Carpenter; Cartoon; H.I. Chapelle; Bob Choate; Sister Choate; "Civilizations Glistening Executor," by H.A. Brown; Clare Claasen; Colby College Press; Colby Literary Quarterly; Collector's What Not; Cornell University Library; G.H. Coupe; J.H. Crider; J. Crosswell; Theresa Gucci; K.M. Cunningham; Lord Cochrane; Doubleday; Joy Dow; Estella Drucker; Lucy Drucker; M.E. Durgin; Re. Ducks; P.C. Eaton; Robert L. Eichelberger; Roscoe Emery; Engineer School, Fort Belvoir; Fan letters: Brown, Butler, Cleaves, Colclough, Coyne, Daignault, Elliott, Ferrari, Fields, Goldsborough, Greene, Holsworth, LaFortune, Miller-Hillebrand, Mix, Morris, Norse, Newman, Nutting, O'Neill, Sartain, Shaw, Shepard, Taylor, Terrill, Train, Vanaman, Willis; H.G. Farley; E. Faust; D. Fessenden; R.L. Fields; J.E. Fields; Filmland News; First National Bank of Boston; Fisher, Roberts & Son; J.T. Flexner; Florida Southern College; Errol Flynn clipping; Anne Francis; Edith Francis; C. Furlong; Re. Geese; Garden Club Federation; Ray E. Garrison; J.F. Gelles; "Giant Negro Saves Driver," clipping; A. Gibbs; Edmond P. Gibson; A.R. Glancy; P.D. Gormley; H.I. Goss; John Gould; "Gourmet"; Great Taiping Rebellion in China; Sydney Greebie; Madison Grindle; A.R. Grundel; Haiti Day in New York, program; Robert Hale; Hanna, Jay & Marge; E.C. Harkins; Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology; Victor P. Haas; Hawaiian Service (G.T. Armitage), re. Siberian manuscripts; Hendrick Construction Company; Herald Tribune; HDGR ("New York Times"); B. Hibbs; R.E. Hight; E.J. Hipkins; A.A. Holbrook, "Holiday"; Henry Holt Publishers; F.I. Holway; Houghton Mifflin Co.; "How our tax dollars are wasted," clipping; Hudson Supply Co.; B.A. Jacobs; Stephen L. Jacobs; Howard Jaffee; H. Kahler; Robert Keene; KOCN, Potassium Cyanate; T. Leavitt; C.M. Leighton; Nelson T. Levings; A. Levinson; H. Levinson; "Lewiston Evening Journal"; Libby & Dow; Denver Lindley; Re. Long Island; "Lydia Bailey"; R. MacKinnon; J. McConnell; J.K. McCormick; Ken McCormick; T.M. McDade; McKearins Antiques; E.L. McKenna; A,M. Manion; John Marquand; N.C. Mavrogordato; Ethel Merrill; I. Merrill; C. Mill; Miller of the Bedford Company, re. guns for sale; Frances Masson Miller; Marg Mills; Mondadori, re. title of CC; Monsanto Chemical Company; F.A. Morris; George H. Morris; Jacob Mosser; Mohawk Ladder; R.F. Nason; Stephen Nason; National Conference of Christians and Jews; Winifred Nerney; New Hampshire State Liquor Store, re. Benedictine; "News 25 Years Ago," clipping; Leigh M. Nisbet; Walter Nuffort; E.H. Obear; H. Ober; N. O'Farrell; Older People, report; Old Wells-by-the-Sea Association; Oma ha World Herald; Point; W.R. Palmer; Parker Gallery; Zulma S. Parker; H.T. Partridge; F. Pediconi; J.H.G. Pell; Penson & Co.; L.B. Perkins; J.N. Pew; C.F. Phillips; Lucille Platt; "Portland Sunday Telegram"; Pullman Company; Re. HMS Pallas; Ramanasco Hall; W.G. Ranken; Edward Reed Ltd.; Report to writers; H.G. Reynolds; H.H. Reynolds; H.W. Reynolds; Reynolds Metals Co.; Ribbons, Winder & Sons; Rickabaugh, "From Here to Eternity controversy"; C. Roberts; M. Robinson; Re. Robert Rogers; Rotary Club of Milford; John F. Royal; Paul Saint Gaudens; Wheeler Sammons; Scott Meredith Literary Agency; Seventeenth Century Books; S.J. Shrusole; R.P. Skinner; J. Simmons; J.P. Sims; Lawrence Smith; Society of Authors; Society of the Cincinnati; Lincoln Spencer; J.F. Stacey; Statistics from Publishers Weekly; Woodbury Stevens; List of stocks; Stone & Dower Co.; C. Storm; Citizens for Taft Committee; Re. Booth Tarkington; B.R. Taylor; Technicolor Feature Schedule; "This Week Magazin"; Lowell Thomas; "Three Mystery Blasts of Maine," clipping; Mark L. Tomes; Trimingham; Betty Trotter; "True" Magazine; TV; Martha Tyler; United World Federalists of Main; University of Florida; University of Maine; "Vacationland," clippings; Valance; A.R. van Valkenburg; Dorothy M. Vaughan; T. Wagner; Waldo Bros.; D.H. Walley; R. Wallgren; C.S. Walsh; J. Ward; Ward's Natural Science Establishment; Frances Waterhouse; R.J. Waterston; "Waterville Morning Sentinel"; Watkins Cleaners; C.J. Weber; Jean Webster; Webster; Weekly Sales Slips; What to see in Maine; Rosamond Wheeler; P.D. White; Brooks Whitehouse; B. Whittle; Frederick T. Widner; N.K. Wiggins; B.A. Williams; R.C. Williams; V.A. Wills; E. Wolfe & Co.; J.B. Wood; Worcester American Antiquarian Society; York, Maine; Ziff-Davis Publishing Company
- June 1951-June 1952
Conditions Governing Access
From the Collection: 103 linear ft. (112 boxes)
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Part of the Rauner Library Archives and Manuscripts Repository