Correspondence Books: Water Dowsing, Vol. 5: H.W. Acton (dowser); J. Alexander; Eleanor Allen (S..., February-May 1951
Correspondence Books: Water Dowsing, Vol. 5: H.W. Acton (dowser); J. Alexander; Eleanor Allen (Saturday Morning Club); F.L. Allen; American Booksellers Association; "American Scientist"; E.F. Amy; M. Anderson (dowser); C.R. Bagshawe; A.L.E. Balza; W.A. Bancroft; A.E. Barrett (dowser); F. Barthesly (dowser); A.H. Bell, Jr.; Best Sellers, Boston; W.T. Bidwell; K.H. Black; A.H. Blackington; Mrs. C. Blodget; L. Booth; Miss T. Bothwell; E.L. Boutilier ("Utica Daily Press"); D.A. Bovee; L. Braun; P. Breck; Mrs. M. Britton; W.L. Brock; A.O. Brown; H.A. Brown; W.H. Brown; O. Brunler; J. Bryan; J.E.G. Bryant; J.H. Buffum; A. Burdes (dowser); J.R. Burnip; D.H. Caldwell; V.L. Cameron; J.W. Cappelens; B.E. Carmichael; R.D. Carse; Ruth C. Cater; A.F. Gayser; Robert Choate, Sister Choate; C. Claasen; N. Mc. Clark; Lulu Clarke; Mary Clema; H.E. Cline; D.F. Comstock; Nan Comstock, re. Pomona Valley domes; C.S. Conlon; Wingate Cam; W.J. Crawford; G.W. Crotts; Mrs. A. W. Currier, re. Haydn Pearson; Isabella Curtis; T. Damianos; J.C. Davis; E.R. Dewsy; D.H. Doane; Superintendent of Documents; Doubleday; Dowsing requests for coal, cement mine, oil, water; Lucy Drucker; O.G. Ernst; S.G. Etherington; Farmer's Book Club; G. Fates; Emerson Faye; Father Jerome; R.D. Fay; Mrs. D. Gebhard; J.H. Gest; A. Glancy; G.E. Goodkin; A.E. Gregg; "Ground Water," A.N. Sayre; R.H. Gutsmethl; H.J. Hagen (Well Equipment Mfg.); J.E. Hale; R. Hale, re. Harper's story; S. Hamilton (Rural Life Association); Mrs. G.L. Hammond, re. blood; G.W. Hardy; F. Hayford; G.A. Hecht; H.H. Henshaw; C.E. Hey (dowser); HGDR; B. Hibbs; P. Hollister; C.N. Holmes; Hotel Roosevelt; R.W. Howard; Nellie Hoxie; C.W. Johnson; P. Johnson, Jr.; D. Jones; B. Keith; J.L. Klotz (dowser); H.A. Kroeger (dowser); Laboratories approved for bacterial examination of water samples; H. Levinson; Caroline Lockhart; Mrs. E. McCulloch (fan letter); M. McGavern; J.E. McMabel; Jay Macy. Jr.; S. Maltin; J.R. Mahoney (dowser); W.W. Matchneer; T.R. Meyers; Minoan Snake Goddess in dowsing position; Betty Mitchell; C.M. Morse (dowser); Anne Munro-Kerr (Society of Authors); K.L. Myers; Newspaper clippings; Ohio Wesleyan (E.F. Amy); D.B. Ormsby; H.L. Palmer (Bowdoin College); H.S. Pearson; R.K. Peckham; O. Peet; Evelyn M. Penrose; Photographs; T. Powell; "Providence Journal"; Elsie White; R.B. Whitttum; H. Wiener; B.A. Williams; F.A. Wynne; L.J. Younce
- February-May 1951
Conditions Governing Access
From the Collection: 103 linear ft. (112 boxes)
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Part of the Rauner Library Archives and Manuscripts Repository