Correspondence Books: Water Dowsing, Vol. 8: Samuel Aceto; American Antiquarian Society; John W...., January-August 1952
Correspondence Books: Water Dowsing, Vol. 8: Samuel Aceto; American Antiquarian Society; John W. Baker; Manly Banister; E.R. Batchelder; Bates College; C.J. Bekker; A.H. Bell; Arthur E. Bent; Bermuda; Douglas Black; Alton Hall Blackington; Brown Company; Jesse H. Buffum; Gaston Burridge; V.L. Cameron; Re. Cancer; R.D. Carse; Re. Edgar Cayce; Re. Cement; Bennet Cerf, re. Bermuda; "Child Life" Magazine; Robert B. Choate; Mrs. Robert Choate; Roger Chute; A.B. Clarke; Floyd O. Craig; Mrs. Russell Dahlin; L.J. Dale; Ding Darling; Christian Denzler; Jacob L. Devers; Adrian Docken, re. scientist and dowsing; Norman Dodd, re. oil and Triau; Joy Dow; Raymond Dow; Archie A. Duffield; Richard C. Dwelley; Sherwood Eddy; Robert Essex; Fan letters: Rosen, Milne (General Motors Corp); Wilson; Edmond; Browne; Darling; Hiatt; Winn; Bourquet, Updike, Larney, Damon, Dr. Paul, Lounsbury; Austin, Andrews, Ehmke, Butterfield, Draper, Pinkham, Berryhill, Peticolas, Tash, Andreu; Edmund Fancott; Thomas Fransioli; Harris Galley; Eugene Gantner; Eileen J. Garrett; Re. "Geology and Man"; A. Hamilton Gibbs; Aubrey Gist; Nelson Glueck (Hebrew Union College); Re. William Guild; Florence Gunn; C.W. Haffenreffer; Rudolf F. Haffenreffer; Robert Hale; Jean G. Hamilton; J.P. Harbison; Frank P. Hartley (dowser); J.C. Hawkins; George A. Hecht; D.C. Henderson; Ronald Henderson ("The Desert Magazine"); J. Hext; Harry Holland (dowser); Robert West Howard, re. ESP in animals; Richard Hunter; Francis Ingersoll, re. morning sickness in husbands; Invitations; W.N. Jardine; Jewish Institute of Religion; Kenneth K. Landes; Mrs. Bill Latham; Lost necklace; Re. Lost overcoat; Fred W. Ludecke; Burt MacBride ("Reader's Digest"); Jack Mactaggart; Maps; Mrs. A.L. Martin; Alan Mattox; Nancy A.F. McLellan; E.P. McMillen; Re. O.E. Meinzer; Re. Minerals; Re. Moses; Re. Mount Washington Observatory; Ann Munro-Kerr; Carl W. Munson (dowser); Re. Nassau, Bahamas; "National Geographic Magazine"; New York Engineers & Physicists; Newspaper clippings; Re. Oil drowsing; Little Oracle; Re. Orgone Institute; Martin Paul; William Pearce (dowser); Re. Pendulum; Evelyn M. Penrose; Kenneth Roberts; Re. Planets; Portland Water District (Harold Scales); Presidential predictions of the rod; Don F. Rayburn; Request for more dowsing information; J.B. Rhine; Mrs. Georgia Roberts; Thomas J. Roche; Round Table Foundation; Rural New-Yorker; A. Pennington Sailer; Wheeler Sammons; Harry P. Sands; Re. Sarasota Springs Authority; Sarver Nursery Co.; Harold Scales; Walter Schumacher (dowser); Brooks Shepard; Harlan T. Stetson; Lawrence Straw; Ashley Taylor; R.W. Taylor, re. "Jacob's Rod"; Thank you notes; Robert Thomas; Wayne Thomas; Ray Timmerman; Re. Buried treasure; Re. Marcel Triau (dowser); Mrs. F.B. Trudeau; J.G. Tucker; J.R. Tufton; W.L. Van Alen; Frederick S. van Davelaar; A. van Tienhoven; Christopher Warburton; Water dowsing; Ben Ames Williams, re. Spinnler and Texas dowsing; Roger C. Williams; "Who's Who in America"; J.A. Winter; F.T. Wurzmann; J.H. Wynkoop
- January-August 1952
Conditions Governing Access
From the Collection: 103 linear ft. (112 boxes)
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Part of the Rauner Library Archives and Manuscripts Repository