Menialov, I. A., Nikitina, L. P., Sharap, V. N., Grinenko, V. A., Bauchidze, G. I., Stoiber, R. E., and Williams, S. N., "Ximiheskij, metallonosnost; I Izotopiq fumarol;nyx gazov vulkana Momotombo (Nikaragua)." V 1982 g, Akademiq Nauk USSR, Vulkanologiq I Sejsmologiq, v.2, p. 60-70. Reprint in Russian., 1986
Folder: 45a, Box: 8
Identifier: 7
Part of ML-98: Richard Stoiber papers
From the Box:
Box: 8
- 1986
Conditions Governing Access
From the Box:
From the Collection: 43 linear ft. (28 boxes)
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Part of the Rauner Library Archives and Manuscripts Repository