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Box: 4, 1987 - 1988

 Box: 4
Part of Motion Picture MS-1406: Native American students at Dartmouth College film collection

  • Staff Only


Negative: Version 99902 (MP-1022.18) Negative: Version ENG (MP-1022.19) Negative: Version ENG (MP-1022.20) Negative: Version 98701 (MP-1022.21) Negative: Version 96920 (MP-1022.22) Negative: Version - (MP-1022.23) Quarter Inch Tape: David Bonga (MP-1022.24) Quarter Inch Tape: Bill YellowTail I (MP-1022.25) Quarter Inch Tape: Bill YellowTail II (MP-1022.26) Quarter Inch Tape: Bill YellowTail III (MP-1022.27) Quarter Inch Tape: Catherine Wilson I (MP-1022.28) Quarter Inch Tape: Catherine Wilson II (MP-1022.29) Quarter Inch Tape: Rachel Bond (MP-1022.30) Quarter Inch Tape: Sean Smith I (MP-1022-31) Quarter Inch Tape: Sean Smith II (MP-1022.32) Quarter Inch Tape: Thomas Sappa (MP-1022.33) Quarter Inch Tape: Peter Kuykendall (MP-1022.34) Quarter Inch Tape: Native American Students (MP-1022.35) Quarter Inch Tape: Native American Students at Dartmouth I (MP-1022.36) Quarter Inch Tape: Native American Students at Dartmouth II (MP-1022.37) Quarter Inch Tape: Native American Students at Dartmouth IV (MP-1022.38); Quarter Inch Tapes in larger metal reel case: Special Effects and title sequences (MP-1022.39 and 40) (1988)


  • 1987 - 1988

Conditions Governing Access

From the Collection:


Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

Part of the Rauner Library Archives and Manuscripts Repository

6065 Webster Hall
Hanover NH 03755 USA

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