Truman, Ralph, ca.1953
Folder, Case: 10
Part of DA-857: Rauner Vertical Files
Contains clippings dating from 1953 about Ralph Truman, a Black Hanover resident and local musician who worked as a steamfitter at Dartmouth from 1903 to 1949. The articles use archaic language to describe Truman's race.
- ca.1953
Conditions Governing Access
From the Collection:
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Reparative Description Change(s)
- This file used to be called "Blacks." Materials concerning Black Dartmouth students and alumni were distributed to the "Black Students and Alumni 2" file. Materials relating to racism were moved to "Racial discrimination and racism." Remaining materials about Black Hanover resident Ralph Truman were retained and the title was changed to "Truman, Ralph." This description was last revised based on the Harmful Content And Reparative Description Statement workflow on 2024-10-19.
Part of the Rauner Library Archives and Manuscripts Repository