Native Americans At Dartmouth 2
Folder, Case: 8
Part of DA-857: Rauner Vertical Files
Contains news releases, clippings, reports, memos from the 1970s to 1990s (bulk 1990s) about the "Native Americans at Dartmouth" (NAD) student group, NAD programming and events, Indigenous student experiences at Dartmouth as well as recruitment efforts and housing for Indigenous students.
- 1900 - 2018
Conditions Governing Access
From the Collection:
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Reparative Description Change(s)
- This file was assessed for reparative description. The title "Native Americans at Dartmouth" was retained, as it is the current formal name of the group. This description was last revised based on the Harmful Content And Reparative Description Statement workflow on 2024-10-24.
Part of the Rauner Library Archives and Manuscripts Repository