Juanita Ramsey-Jevne oral history interview
Oral history interview with Juanita F. Ramsey-Jevne, wife of William Jevne Class of 1966 and Tuck 1967, for the Dartmouth Vietnam Project. Ramsey-Jevne begins by sharing her experience growing up in a home with a schizophrenic mother. She describes her experience marrying a Vietnam veteran many years after the war ended. Ramsey-Jevne discusses how she never felt like a part of the Army but very much served the country by supporting a Vietnam veteran with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Ramsey-Jevne shares how being a wife or family member of a veteran feels like her years of service are not recognized.
- 2015-10-26
Language of Materials
4 Files (1 .docx transcript (43 pages); 1 .docx transcript word list; 1. pdf transcript (43 pages); 1 .wav audio file (1 hour, 35 minutes, 17 seconds))
Part of the Rauner Library Archives and Manuscripts Repository