North Alaskan coast sketches
Identifier: Mss-232
Stef Mss-232
No requestable containers
The collection contains a series of nine sketches, eight in a stitched booklet and one loose, of the Alaskan coastline from Point Barrow to Point Hope, Cape Prince of Wales and the Diomedes and southeast to Golovin Bay. Also includes one sketch from Unalaska. The sketches were probably executed by a member of the crew of the schooner "Leo," the ship that provided relief to the International Polar Year Expedition at Point Barrow in August and September of 1883.
- 1883
Conditions Governing Access
Conditions Governing Use
Permission from Dartmouth College required for publication or reproduction.
.25 linear ft. (1 box)
Language of Materials
Part of the Rauner Library Archives and Manuscripts Repository