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Showing Collections: 9781 - 9800 of 16522
Johnathan C. Brown book
In English.
Johnson Cave letter
In English.
Johnson Family of Enfield, N.H. papers
Johnson Family, Enfield, NH, (1794-1880). The collection consists of journals, business papers, letter books, general records of various members of the Johnson family.
Joint Special Committee of the Common Council letter
Joint Special Committee of the Common Council letter to Hiram Ketchum in New York, inviting him to act as apall bearer for the late Daniel Webster.
Jon Allen manuscript and research
Jon L. Allen, author. Consist of articles on Stefansson's polar flight theories and research materials for the articles
Jon. Amory letter
In English.
Jon Appleton papers
Jon. Freeman letter
In English.
Jon. Freeman letter
Letter from Jon. Freeman of Philadelphia to James D. Westcott, writer's son Randolph set out for West Indies but his ship was captured and burned. Writer has heard that Randolph has been seen in Alexandria Virginia, and begs addressee to send him any information he may have or to advance money to send the boy to writer.
Jon. Freeman letter
Letter from Jon. Freeman of Philadelphia to W.A. Kent regarding lottery. Discussion of doings of Congress approaching election. Hopes New Hampshire will be watchful and not suffer fire of democracy to advance.
Jon Freeman letter
In English.
Jon. Freeman letter
In English.
Jon Freeman letter
Letter from Jonathan Freeman of Exter to Nathaniel Peabody with acknowledement of donation of two hundred acres in Landaff to Dartmouth College deeded to Nathaniel Hovey for debt toward by College.
Jon. Freeman notice
Notice from Jon. Freeman of Hanover to Proprietors calling meeting at Ben. Hatch's Inn, Hanover, to decide highways and other questions as listed, Russel Freeman is elected moderator.
Jon Freeman vs. S.J. Gates and Adam Pollard
In English.
Jon. Freeman vs. S.J. Gates and Adam Pollard vote
In English.
Jon Tenney journal
In English.
Jona. Arnold letter
In English.
Jona. Mason letter
In English.
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- Author
- Dartmouth College. Office of the President. Asa Dodge Smith (1863-1877) 2078
- Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852 2053
- Wheelock, John , 1754-1817 599
- Ticknor, George, 1791-1871 435
- Dartmouth College. Board of Trustees 358
- Weeks, John Wingate, 1781-1853 348
- Fletcher, Samuel, 1785-1858 324
- Webster, Ezekiel, 1780-1829 292
- Plumer, William, 1759-1850 166
- Brewster, Amos Avery, 1778-1845 139
- Lord, Nathan, 1792-1870 131
- Freeman, Jonathan, 1745-1808 126
- Dartmouth College. Office of the President. Nathan Lord (1828-1863) 121
- Smith, Nathan, Dr., 1762-1829 92
- Fowler, John, 1793-1843 84
- Shurtleff, Roswell, 1773-1861 81
- Woodward, William Henry, 1774-1818 78
- Codman, John, Rev., 1782-1847 75
- Olcott, Mills, 1774-1845 75
- Weeks, John, 1749-1818 71
- Morse, Jedidiah, 1754-1826 70
- Hubbard, Oliver Payson, Dr., 1809-1900 68
- Richards, Joseph R. 66
- Williams, Nathaniel F., 1782-1864 65
- Hale, Benjamin, 1797-1863 63
- Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Francis Brown, 1784-1820 61
- Thacher, Peter 60
- Hale, Salma, 1787-1866 58
- Wheelock, J. 57
- Webster, Daniel Fletcher, 1813-1862 56
- Mason, Jeremiah, 1768-1848 55
- Ketchum, Hiram 54
- Church of Christ at Dartmouth College (1771-) 52
- Brown, Samuel Gilman, 1813-1885 49
- Dartmouth College Faculty 49
- Woodward, Bezaleel, 1745-1804 49
- Wheelock, James , 1759-1835 45
- Bartlett, Samuel Colcord, 1817-1898 44
- Dartmouth University. Board of Trustees 41
- Mussey, Reuben Dimond, 1780-1866 41
- Blaisdell, Daniel, 1806-1875 40
- Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Bennet Tyler, 1783-1858 40
- Marsh, Lyndon Arnold, 1799-1872 37
- Kinsman, Henry Willis, 1803-1859 36
- Kirkland, Samuel, 1741-1808 36
- Smith, Asa Dodge, 1804-1877 36
- Spalding, Lyman, 1775-1821 36
- Haddock, Charles Brickett, 1796-1861 33
- Kendall, Amos, 1789-1869 33
- Marsh, Charles, 1765-1849 33
- Moor’s Indian Charity School 33
- Perkins, Cyrus, 1778-1849 33
- Bouton, Nathaniel, 1799-1878 31
- Gilman, Nicholas, 1755-1814 31
- Thompson, Thomas W., 1766-1820 31
- Welch, Follansbee Goodrich 31
- Day, Pliny Butts, 1806-1869 30
- Mack, Andrew, 1786-1875 30
- Eastman, Tilton, Rev., 1773-1842 29
- Fletcher, Isaac, 1784-1842 29
- Von Beverhoudt, Lucas, d. 1796 29
- William, Jared Warner, 1796-1864 29
- Woodbury, Levi, 1789-1851 29
- Peabody, David, 1805-1839 28
- Sanborn, Edwin David, 1808-1885 28
- Weeks, James Wingate, b. 1811 28
- Willard, John Dwight, 1799-1864 28
- Chase, Epaphras Bull, 1800-1867 27
- Sergeant, John, Jr. , 1747-1824 27
- Clark, Daniel, 1809-1891 26
- Mazzei, Philip, 1730-1816 26
- Parish, Elijah, 1762-1825 26
- Shattuck, Nathaniel, 1774-1864 26
- Wigglesworth, Edward, 1732-1794 26
- Willard, Henry, 1830-1904 26
- Bissell, George Henry, 1821-1884 25
- Gilbert, Benjamin Joseph, 1764-1849 25
- Jefferson, Thomas, Pres. U.S., 1743-1826 25
- Merrill, Thomas Abbot, 1780-1855 25
- Noyes, Daniel James, 1812-1885 25
- Speed, Thomas, 1768-1842 25
- Dutton, Warren, 1774-1857 24
- Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790 24
- Tawse, Jno. 24
- Brent, Robert, 1764-1819 23
- New Hampshire. Legislature 23
- Clay, Henry, 1777-1852 22
- Davis, Josiah Gardner, 1815-1894 22
- Freeman, Jonathan, 1777-1858 22
- Quimby, Elihu Thayer, 1826-1890 22
- Agg, John 21
- Brewster, Ebenezer, 1740-1814 21
- Everett, Edward, 1794-1865 21
- Lang, Richard, 1769-1840 21
- Thayer, Sylvanus, 1785-1872 21
- Governor of New Hampshire 20
- Hayward, Silvanus, 1828-1908 20
- Hill, Isaac, 1788-1851 20
- Pierce, Franklin, 1804-1869 20
- Shepard, John William, 1788-1860 20 less
- Related Author
- Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852 2090
- Dartmouth College. Office of the President. Asa Dodge Smith (1863-1877) 2079
- Wheelock, John , 1754-1817 612
- Ticknor, George, 1791-1871 445
- Dartmouth College. Board of Trustees 365
- Weeks, John Wingate, 1781-1853 353
- Fletcher, Samuel, 1785-1858 324
- Webster, Ezekiel, 1780-1829 295
- Plumer, William, 1759-1850 166
- Brewster, Amos Avery, 1778-1845 141
- Lord, Nathan, 1792-1870 132
- Freeman, Jonathan, 1745-1808 127
- Dartmouth College. Office of the President. Nathan Lord (1828-1863) 122
- Smith, Nathan, Dr., 1762-1829 93
- Woodward, William Henry, 1774-1818 92
- Shurtleff, Roswell, 1773-1861 89
- Fowler, John, 1793-1843 86
- Olcott, Mills, 1774-1845 77
- Codman, John, Rev., 1782-1847 75
- Hubbard, Oliver Payson, Dr., 1809-1900 72
- Weeks, John, 1749-1818 72
- Morse, Jedidiah, 1754-1826 71
- Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Francis Brown, 1784-1820 67
- Williams, Nathaniel F., 1782-1864 67
- Richards, Joseph R. 66
- Hale, Benjamin, 1797-1863 65
- Thacher, Peter 60
- Webster, Daniel Fletcher, 1813-1862 60
- Hale, Salma, 1787-1866 59
- Wheelock, J. 57
- Church of Christ at Dartmouth College (1771-) 55
- Mason, Jeremiah, 1768-1848 55
- Ketchum, Hiram 54
- Dartmouth College Faculty 49
- Woodward, Bezaleel, 1745-1804 49
- Wheelock, James , 1759-1835 47
- Mussey, Reuben Dimond, 1780-1866 46
- Bartlett, Samuel Colcord, 1817-1898 44
- Dartmouth University. Board of Trustees 42
- Blaisdell, Daniel, 1806-1875 40
- Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Bennet Tyler, 1783-1858 40
- Moor’s Indian Charity School 38
- Marsh, Lyndon Arnold, 1799-1872 37
- Kinsman, Henry Willis, 1803-1859 36
- Kirkland, Samuel, 1741-1808 36
- Perkins, Cyrus, 1778-1849 36
- Smith, Asa Dodge, 1804-1877 36
- Spalding, Lyman, 1775-1821 36
- Haddock, Charles Brickett, 1796-1861 35
- Kendall, Amos, 1789-1869 33
- Marsh, Charles, 1765-1849 33
- Bouton, Nathaniel, 1799-1878 31
- Gilman, Nicholas, 1755-1814 31
- Thompson, Thomas W., 1766-1820 31
- Welch, Follansbee Goodrich 31
- Day, Pliny Butts, 1806-1869 30
- Mack, Andrew, 1786-1875 30
- Woodbury, Levi, 1789-1851 30
- Eastman, Tilton, Rev., 1773-1842 29
- Fletcher, Isaac, 1784-1842 29
- Gilbert, Benjamin Joseph, 1764-1849 29
- Von Beverhoudt, Lucas, d. 1796 29
- William, Jared Warner, 1796-1864 29
- Peabody, David, 1805-1839 28
- Sanborn, Edwin David, 1808-1885 28
- Shattuck, Nathaniel, 1774-1864 28
- Weeks, James Wingate, b. 1811 28
- Willard, John Dwight, 1799-1864 28
- Chase, Epaphras Bull, 1800-1867 27
- Noyes, Daniel James, 1812-1885 27
- Sergeant, John, Jr. , 1747-1824 27
- Clark, Daniel, 1809-1891 26
- Jefferson, Thomas, Pres. U.S., 1743-1826 26
- Mazzei, Philip, 1730-1816 26
- Merrill, Thomas Abbot, 1780-1855 26
- Parish, Elijah, 1762-1825 26
- Wigglesworth, Edward, 1732-1794 26
- Willard, Henry, 1830-1904 26
- Bissell, George Henry, 1821-1884 25
- Clay, Henry, 1777-1852 25
- Speed, Thomas, 1768-1842 25
- Dutton, Warren, 1774-1857 24
- Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790 24
- Mattson, Minnie A. Bradley, Mrs. 24
- Tawse, Jno. 24
- Brent, Robert, 1764-1819 23
- New Hampshire. Legislature 23
- Everett, Edward, 1794-1865 22
- Freeman, Jonathan, 1777-1858 22
- Quimby, Elihu Thayer, 1826-1890 22
- Thayer, Sylvanus, 1785-1872 22
- Agg, John 21
- Brewster, Ebenezer, 1740-1814 21
- Hill, Isaac, 1788-1851 21
- Lang, Richard, 1769-1840 21
- Society in Scotland for Propogating Christian Knowledge 21
- Ticknor, Elisha, 1757-1821 21
- Governor of New Hampshire 20
- Hayward, Silvanus, 1828-1908 20
- Pierce, Franklin, 1804-1869 20 less
- Level
- Collection 16509
- Item 13