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Showing Collections: 181 - 200 of 435

George Ticknor letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 858453
Mss 858453
Date(s): 1858-08-03
Scope and Contents

Letter from George Ticknor in Boston to Messrs W.D. Ticknor and Co., noting that he has received the wrong book and wants to exchange it.

George Ticknor letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 859457
Mss 859457
Date(s): 1859-08-07
Scope and Contents

Three-page letter from George Ticknor at Niagara Falls to Benjamin Robbins Curtis, asking Curtis to join the writer and talks about the natural beauty of Niagara.

George Ticknor letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 859614
Mss 859614
Date(s): 1859-11-14
Scope and Contents

Three-page letter from Georger Ticknor in Boston to Rev. Edward Norris Kirk, in which he asks Kirk to look over a list of books and add to it if he wants to. There are 60,000 volumes in the Upper Hall and 5,000 in the Lower Hall. The index will be published in the Spring.

George Ticknor letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 860125
Mss 860125
Date(s): 1860-01-25
Scope and Contents

Letter from George Ticknor to Charles Stuart Phelps, concerning Agassiz and the museum, presumably the Harvard Museum.

George Ticknor letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 860559
Mss 860559
Date(s): 1860-10-09
Scope and Contents

Letter from George Ticknor in Boston to Hamlet Lee in New Albany in Indiana with an autograph of Hamlet Lee.

George Ticknor letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 861214
Mss 861214
Date(s): 1861-03-14
Scope and Contents

Letter from George Ticknor in Boston to Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, thanking Bowditch for the copy of "Suffolk Proper Names" recently sent him.

George Ticknor letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 861351
Mss 861351
Date(s): 1861-06-01
Scope and Contents

Two-page letter from George Ticknor to an unidentified recipient, asking addressee to procure him a copy of Daniel Lord's pamphlet. Writer thinks of visiting Gardner. Wouldn't addressee like to go?

George Ticknor letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 862310
Mss 862310
Date(s): 1862-05-10
Scope and Contents

Letter from George Ticknor in Boston to D. Appleton and Company in New York, regarding the continuation of a subscription for Spencer's First Principles.

George Ticknor letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 862621
Mss 862621
Date(s): 1862-11-21
Scope and Contents

Letter from George Ticknor in Boston to James Thomas Fields, thanking fields for advancing $.25 to Mr. Scholl and enclosing the money.

George Ticknor letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 863519.1
Mss 863519.1
Date(s): 1863-09-19
Scope and Contents

Letter from George Ticknor in Boston to Samuel Austin Allibone, discussing literary matters and states that he is sending a copy of the new edition of his "History of Spanish Literature."

George Ticknor letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 863553
Mss 863553
Date(s): 1863-10-03
Scope and Contents

Letter from George Ticknor in Boston to George Livermore in Boston, discussing the use of the Spanish Bibles. Also responds to Livermore's critique of his "History of Spanish Literature." Livermore's two page critique accompanies the letter.

George Ticknor letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 866373
Mss 866373
Date(s): 1866-06-23
Scope and Contents

Four-page letter from George Ticknor in Boston to General John Tyler concerning governance of the Boston Public Library.

George Ticknor letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 856316
Mss 856316
Date(s): 1856-05-16
Scope and Contents

Letter from George Ticknor to Ezra Stiles Gannett, telling him that a ring will be sued in the marriage ceremony of his daughter Eliza.

George Ticknor letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 855663
Webster Mss 855663
Date(s): 1855-12-13
Scope and Contents

Two-page letter from George Ticknor to Edwin David Sanborn in Marshfield, telling him that he has returned the colume of newspapers and the manuscript material loaned him and asks Sanborn to make sure they are all there.

George Ticknor Letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 867565.1
Mss 867565.1
Date(s): 1876-10-15

Ticknor replies to Charles Richard Fox that he regrets that he'll be unable to travel to England for his wedding due to age and proceeds to discuss democracy and the English Reform Act of 1867.

George Ticknor Letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 868120.3
Mss 868120.3
Date(s): 1868-01-20

Ticknor encourages General Charles Richard Fox to travel to the United States and discusses gout, the US Civil War, and his thoughts on the Fenian Brotherhood and the Manchester Martyrs.

George Ticknor letter extract

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 000205
Mss 000205
Date(s): undated

In English.

George Ticknor letters

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 866151.2
Mss 866151.2
Date(s): 1866-02-01 to 1866-02-22
Scope and Contents

Letters from George Ticknor in Boston to Henry A. Miles in Boston, concerning Miles'use of the Boston Public Library and Ticknor's own collection.

George Ticknor miscellaneous documents

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 821540
Mss 821540
Date(s): 1821 to 1855

In English.

George Ticknor papers

Identifier: MS-983
Date(s): 1773 to 1870

George Ticknor (1791-1871), academic and author. Dartmouth College Class of 1807. Travel diaries, letters, memorial books, a ledger, and news clippings document Ticknor's travels in Europe and relationships with many notable individuals as well as his life at home in Boston.

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  • Related Author: Ticknor, George, 1791-1871 X
  • Author: Ticknor, George, 1791-1871 X

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Hillhouse, James Abraham, 1789-1841 18
Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852 18
Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe, 1807-1873 16
Mason, Jeremiah, 1768-1848 12
Curtis, Benjamin Robbins, 1809-1874 10
Chorley, John Rutter, 1807-1867 9
Bancroft, George, 1800-1891 8
Channing, William Ellery, 1780-1842 8
Irving, Washington, 1783-1859 8
Dana, Richard Henry, 1787-1879 7
Cranworth, Laura, Lady, 1807-1868 6
Josias, Christian Karl, Freiherr von Bunsen, 1791-1860 6
Everett, Alexander Hill, 1790-1847 5
Ticknor, Anna Eliot, 1800-1885 5
Bowditch, Nathaniel Ingersoll, 1805-1861 4
Bowditch, Nathaniel, 1773-1838 4
Carlisle, George William Frederick Howard, 7th Earl, 1802-1864 4
Child, Lydia Marie Francis, 1802-1880 4
Everett, Edward, 1794-1865 4
Allston, Washington, 1779-1843 3
Calderon de la Barca, Angel, 1790-1861 3
Ford, Richard, 1796-1858 3
Hallam, Henry, 1778-1859 3
Holland, Henry Richard Vassall Fox, 3rd Baron, 1773-1840 3
Preston, William Campbell, 1794-1860 3
Rolfe, Robert Monsey, Lord Cranworth, 1790-1868 3
Agassiz, George, 1807-1873 2
Babbage, Charles, 1790-1871 2
Baillie, Joanna, 1762-1851 2
Bowring, John, Sir, 1792-1872 2
Byron, Anne Isabella Milbanke, 1792-1860 2
Calderon de la Barca, Frances Erskine (Ingles), 1804-1882 2
Cicognara, Leopoldo, 1767-1834 2
Felton, Cornelius Conway, 1807-1862 2
Gilbert, Benjamin Joseph, 1764-1849 2
Harrisse, Henry, 1829-1910 2
Kenyon, John, 1783-1856 2
Leslie, Charles Robert, 1794-1859 2
Norton, Andrews, 1786-1853 2
Percival, James Gates, 1795-1856 2
Rogers, William Barton, 1804-1882 2
Sanborn, Edwin David, 1808-1885 2
Saxony, John, Duke of , 1801-1873 2
Sparks, Jared, 1789-1866 2
Story, Joseph, 1779-1845 2
Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874 2
Thayer, Sylvanus, 1785-1872 2
Wilde, Richard Henry, 1789-1847 2
Abbott, Lawrence, 1792-1855 1
Agassiz, Alexander, 1835-1910 1
Alberi, E. 1
Allen, John, 1770-1843 1
Allibone, Samuel Austin, 1816-1889 1
Ames, Elleis 1
Appleton, Nathan, 1779-1861 1
Arago, Dominique Francois Jean, 1786-1853 1
Arrivabene, Giovanni, Conte, 1787-1881 1
Aumale, Henri Eugene Philippe Louis, Duc D'Orleans, 1822-1897 1
Auster, John, b. 1798 1
Balbo, Cesare, Conte, 1789-1853 1
Baring, Alexander , 1st Baron of Ashburton, 1774-1848 1
Bellocq, C. 1
Benci, Antonio, 1783-1843 1
Bonaparte, Louis, King of Holland, 1778-1846 1
Botta, Anne Charlotte (Lynch), 1815-1891 1
Botta, Carlo Giuseppe Guglielmo, 1766-1837 1
Boyden, James Woodbury 1
Bright, Henry Arthur, 1830-1884 1
Broglie, Achille Charles Leonce Victor, Duc de, 1785-1870 1
Broglie, Albert, Duc de, 1821-1901 1
Broglie, Albertine Ida Gustavine, Duchesse de, 1797-1838 1
Bruen, Matthias, 1792-1829 1
Buckle, Henry Thomas, 1821-1861 1
Buckminster, Lucy M. 1
Bulwer, Henry Lytton, Sir, 1801-1872 1
Böttinger, Charles A., 1760-1835 1
Campbell, Thomas, 1777-1844 1
Canova, Antonio, 1757-1822 1
Cantu, Cesare, 1804-1895 1
Capponi, Gino Alessandro Guiseppe Gaspero, Marchese, 1792-1876 1
Carey, Henry Charles, 1793-1879 1
Carmignani, J. 1
Castro y Rossi, Adolfo de, 1823-1898 1
Chaptal, Jean-Antoine, Comte de Chanteloup , 1756-1832 1
Chase, J. Eastman 1
Chavalier, J.B. 1
Chevalier, Michel, 1806-1879 1
Choate, Rufus, 1799-1859 1
Clay, Henry, 1777-1852 1
Coleridge, Henry Nelson, 1798-1843 1
Confalonieri, Frederico, Conte, 1785-1846 1
Constant de Rebecque, Henri-Benjamin, 1767-1830 1
Count , von Thun, Leo, 1811-1888 1
Curtis, George Ticknor, 1812-1894 1
D. Appleton and Company 1
Dana, Richard Henry, 1815-1882 1
Davy, Humphrey, 1778-1829 1
Dawson, Henry Barton, 1821-1889 1
DePonceau, Peter Stephen, 1760-1844 1
Related Author
Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852 22
Hillhouse, James Abraham, 1789-1841 18
Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe, 1807-1873 16
Mason, Jeremiah, 1768-1848 12
Curtis, Benjamin Robbins, 1809-1874 10
Chorley, John Rutter, 1807-1867 9
Bancroft, George, 1800-1891 8
Channing, William Ellery, 1780-1842 8
Irving, Washington, 1783-1859 8
Dana, Richard Henry, 1787-1879 7
Cranworth, Laura, Lady, 1807-1868 6
Josias, Christian Karl, Freiherr von Bunsen, 1791-1860 6
Everett, Alexander Hill, 1790-1847 5
Everett, Edward, 1794-1865 5
Ticknor, Anna Eliot, 1800-1885 5
Allston, Washington, 1779-1843 4
Bowditch, Nathaniel Ingersoll, 1805-1861 4
Bowditch, Nathaniel, 1773-1838 4
Carlisle, George William Frederick Howard, 7th Earl, 1802-1864 4
Child, Lydia Marie Francis, 1802-1880 4
Story, Joseph, 1779-1845 4
Calderon de la Barca, Angel, 1790-1861 3
Ford, Richard, 1796-1858 3
Hallam, Henry, 1778-1859 3
Holland, Henry Richard Vassall Fox, 3rd Baron, 1773-1840 3
Preston, William Campbell, 1794-1860 3
Rolfe, Robert Monsey, Lord Cranworth, 1790-1868 3
Sparks, Jared, 1789-1866 3
Agassiz, George, 1807-1873 2
Appleton, Nathan, 1779-1861 2
Baillie, Joanna, 1762-1851 2
Bowring, John, Sir, 1792-1872 2
Calderon de la Barca, Frances Erskine (Ingles), 1804-1882 2
Cicognara, Leopoldo, 1767-1834 2
Cogswell, Joseph Green, 1786-1871 2
Felton, Cornelius Conway, 1807-1862 2
Gilbert, Benjamin Joseph, 1764-1849 2
Harrisse, Henry, 1829-1910 2
Kenyon, John, 1783-1856 2
Leslie, Charles Robert, 1794-1859 2
Marquis de Lafayette, Gilbert du Motier, 1757-1834 2
Norton, Andrews, 1786-1853 2
Percival, James Gates, 1795-1856 2
Rogers, William Barton, 1804-1882 2
Sanborn, Edwin David, 1808-1885 2
Saxony, John, Duke of , 1801-1873 2
Southey, Robert, 1774-1843 2
Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874 2
Thayer, Sylvanus, 1785-1872 2
Ticknor, Elisha, 1757-1821 2
Webster, Daniel Fletcher, 1813-1862 2
Wilde, Richard Henry, 1789-1847 2
Abbott, Lawrence, 1792-1855 1
Agassiz, Alexander, 1835-1910 1
Alberi, E. 1
Allen, John, 1770-1843 1
Allibone, Samuel Austin, 1816-1889 1
Ames, Elleis 1
Arago, Dominique Francois Jean, 1786-1853 1
Arrivabene, Giovanni, Conte, 1787-1881 1
Astor, Jacob, 1763-1848 1
Aumale, Henri Eugene Philippe Louis, Duc D'Orleans, 1822-1897 1
Auster, John, b. 1798 1
Balbo, Cesare, Conte, 1789-1853 1
Baring, Alexander , 1st Baron of Ashburton, 1774-1848 1
Bellocq, C. 1
Benci, Antonio, 1783-1843 1
Bonaparte, Louis, King of Holland, 1778-1846 1
Botta, Anne Charlotte (Lynch), 1815-1891 1
Botta, Carlo Giuseppe Guglielmo, 1766-1837 1
Boyden, James Woodbury 1
Bright, Henry Arthur, 1830-1884 1
Broglie, Achille Charles Leonce Victor, Duc de, 1785-1870 1
Broglie, Albert, Duc de, 1821-1901 1
Broglie, Albertine Ida Gustavine, Duchesse de, 1797-1838 1
Bruen, Matthias, 1792-1829 1
Bryant, William Cullen, 1794-1878 1
Buckle, Henry Thomas, 1821-1861 1
Buckminster, Lucy M. 1
Bulwer, Henry Lytton, Sir, 1801-1872 1
Böttinger, Charles A., 1760-1835 1
Campbell, Thomas, 1777-1844 1
Canova, Antonio, 1757-1822 1
Cantu, Cesare, 1804-1895 1
Capponi, Gino Alessandro Guiseppe Gaspero, Marchese, 1792-1876 1
Carey, Henry Charles, 1793-1879 1
Carmignani, J. 1
Castro y Rossi, Adolfo de, 1823-1898 1
Channing, Edward Tyrrel, 1790-1856 1
Chaptal, Jean-Antoine, Comte de Chanteloup , 1756-1832 1
Chase, J. Eastman 1
Chavalier, J.B. 1
Chevalier, Michel, 1806-1879 1
Choate, Rufus, 1799-1859 1
Clay, Henry, 1777-1852 1
Coleridge, Henry Nelson, 1798-1843 1
Confalonieri, Frederico, Conte, 1785-1846 1
Constant de Rebecque, Henri-Benjamin, 1767-1830 1
Count , von Thun, Leo, 1811-1888 1
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