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Showing Collections: 921 - 940 of 16564

"Asian-American Heritage" collection

Identifier: MS-182
Date(s): 1974

"Asian-American Heritage." The collection contains manuscripts and printed matter relating to the publication of this anthology of Asian-American literature, written by David Hsin-fu Wong.

Association for Balch Hill records

Identifier: MS-812
Date(s): 1973 to 1975

Association for Balch Hill. The collection contains records of the association formed to prevent the town of Hanover and Dartmouth College development from encroaching on a residential area of the community.

A.T. Gifford (Schooner) logbook

Identifier: Mss-22
Stef Mss-22
Date(s): 1913 to 1914

T.A. Gifford, whaller. Consist of a record of a whaling voyage from Stanford, Conn. to Hudson Bay under the command James Allen Wing Wing, Master.

Athletic Events in the Life of Charles Burton Arthur

Identifier: MS-1386
Date(s): 1931 to 1934

Charles Burton Arthur (1911-2007), Assistant Director of Athletics. Dartmouth College Class of 1934. The collection contains a scrapbook with news clippings and photographs related to his athletic life.

Atkins Family record

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 853640
Mss 853640
Date(s): 1853
Scope and Contents

Records of the Atkins Family of Clinton, North Carolina and Middletown, Connecticut, extracted from the Authorized English Bible, 1853, Philadelphia.

Atkinson Academy records

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 845461
Mss 845461
Date(s): 1845 to 1846

In English.

Aubin Louis Millin letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 808451
Mss 808451
Date(s): 1808-08-01

In English.

August Belmont letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 859311
Mss 859311
Date(s): 1859-05-11
Scope and Contents

Business letter from August Belmont in New York to Mr. Nuhemfapen in Boston, allowing him the postponement of debt payment.

August Tholuck letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 853216.1
Mss 853216.1
Date(s): 1853-03-16
Scope and Contents

Letter from August Tholuck in Halle to Professor Park with an assurance of continued friendship, addresses probaly to Prof. Edwards Amasa Park of Andover Theological Seminary.

August Wilhelm Anton Neidhardt von Gneisenau letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 810220.1
Mss 810220.1
Date(s): 1810-03-20

In English.

Augusta E. Fallon autograph album

 Item: 1
Identifier: 003292
Codex 003292
Date(s): undated

Autograph Album kept by Augusta E. Fallon with notes and typescript list of autographs. Autographs include Mark Twain, Henry Wandsworth Longfellow, Harriet Beecher Stow, Henry James, Theodore Roosevelt and Oliver Wendell Holmes.

Auguste Comte letters

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 853124.1
Mss 853124.1
Date(s): 1853-01-24 to 1853-01-30
Scope and Contents

Two letters from Auguste Comte in Paris, France to Hector Bossange in Paris in which he tells him that Richard Congreve wants a sampling of all his work and thanks him for sending the items.

Auguste de LaRive letters

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 857251
Mss 857251
Date(s): 1857-04-01 to 1862-09-24
Scope and Contents

Letters from Auguste de LaRive in Rome and Geneva to George Ticknor, inquiring if he is comfortable at the hotel or if he would prefer an apartment and refers to Civil War, mentioning McClellan and European political events.

Auguste Louis, Baron de Staël-Holstein letters

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 819217.4
Mss 819217.4
Date(s): 1819-03-17 to 1825-08-10

In English.

Auguste Louis Baron of Staël-Holstein letters

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 818525
Mss 818525
Date(s): 1818-09-25 to 1818-10-07

In English.

Augustin (Alph.) Pyramus de Candolle letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 836140.1
Mss 836140.1
Date(s): 1836-01

In English.

Augustin Thierry letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 840265
Mss 840265
Date(s): 1840-04-15

In English.

Augustine H. Folsom letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 867220.1
Mss 867220.1
Date(s): 1867-03-20
Scope and Contents

Letter from Augustine H. Folsom in Roxbury, Massachusetts to Asa Dodge Smith, asking permission to take photographs of the college buildings.

Augustus Alden letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 804454
Webster Mss 804454
Date(s): 1804-08-04

In English.

Augustus Alexander Warren papers

Identifier: MS-868
Date(s): 1849 to 1886

Augustus Alexander Warren, sailmaker in the U. S. Navy. The collection contains holographs and typescripts of his recollections of voyages made on the USS Decator and other vessels. A logbook, correspondence, sketches, drawings and photographs are also included.

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Dartmouth College. Office of the President. Asa Dodge Smith (1863-1877) 2078
Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852 2053
Wheelock, John , 1754-1817 599
Ticknor, George, 1791-1871 435
Dartmouth College. Board of Trustees 358
Weeks, John Wingate, 1781-1853 348
Fletcher, Samuel, 1785-1858 324
Webster, Ezekiel, 1780-1829 292
Plumer, William, 1759-1850 166
Brewster, Amos Avery, 1778-1845 139
Lord, Nathan, 1792-1870 131
Freeman, Jonathan, 1745-1808 126
Dartmouth College. Office of the President. Nathan Lord (1828-1863) 121
Smith, Nathan, Dr., 1762-1829 92
Fowler, John, 1793-1843 84
Shurtleff, Roswell, 1773-1861 81
Woodward, William Henry, 1774-1818 78
Codman, John, Rev., 1782-1847 75
Olcott, Mills, 1774-1845 75
Weeks, John, 1749-1818 71
Morse, Jedidiah, 1754-1826 70
Hubbard, Oliver Payson, Dr., 1809-1900 68
Richards, Joseph R. 66
Williams, Nathaniel F., 1782-1864 65
Hale, Benjamin, 1797-1863 63
Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Francis Brown, 1784-1820 61
Thacher, Peter 60
Hale, Salma, 1787-1866 58
Wheelock, J. 57
Webster, Daniel Fletcher, 1813-1862 56
Mason, Jeremiah, 1768-1848 55
Ketchum, Hiram 54
Church of Christ at Dartmouth College (1771-) 52
Brown, Samuel Gilman, 1813-1885 49
Dartmouth College Faculty 49
Woodward, Bezaleel, 1745-1804 49
Wheelock, James , 1759-1835 45
Bartlett, Samuel Colcord, 1817-1898 44
Dartmouth University. Board of Trustees 41
Mussey, Reuben Dimond, 1780-1866 41
Blaisdell, Daniel, 1806-1875 40
Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Bennet Tyler, 1783-1858 40
Marsh, Lyndon Arnold, 1799-1872 37
Kinsman, Henry Willis, 1803-1859 36
Kirkland, Samuel, 1741-1808 36
Smith, Asa Dodge, 1804-1877 36
Spalding, Lyman, 1775-1821 36
Haddock, Charles Brickett, 1796-1861 33
Kendall, Amos, 1789-1869 33
Marsh, Charles, 1765-1849 33
Moor’s Indian Charity School 33
Perkins, Cyrus, 1778-1849 33
Bouton, Nathaniel, 1799-1878 31
Gilman, Nicholas, 1755-1814 31
Thompson, Thomas W., 1766-1820 31
Welch, Follansbee Goodrich 31
Day, Pliny Butts, 1806-1869 30
Mack, Andrew, 1786-1875 30
Eastman, Tilton, Rev., 1773-1842 29
Fletcher, Isaac, 1784-1842 29
Von Beverhoudt, Lucas, d. 1796 29
William, Jared Warner, 1796-1864 29
Woodbury, Levi, 1789-1851 29
Peabody, David, 1805-1839 28
Sanborn, Edwin David, 1808-1885 28
Weeks, James Wingate, b. 1811 28
Willard, John Dwight, 1799-1864 28
Chase, Epaphras Bull, 1800-1867 27
Sergeant, John, Jr. , 1747-1824 27
Clark, Daniel, 1809-1891 26
Mazzei, Philip, 1730-1816 26
Parish, Elijah, 1762-1825 26
Shattuck, Nathaniel, 1774-1864 26
Wigglesworth, Edward, 1732-1794 26
Willard, Henry, 1830-1904 26
Bissell, George Henry, 1821-1884 25
Gilbert, Benjamin Joseph, 1764-1849 25
Jefferson, Thomas, Pres. U.S., 1743-1826 25
Merrill, Thomas Abbot, 1780-1855 25
Noyes, Daniel James, 1812-1885 25
Speed, Thomas, 1768-1842 25
Dutton, Warren, 1774-1857 24
Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790 24
Tawse, Jno. 24
Brent, Robert, 1764-1819 23
New Hampshire. Legislature 23
Clay, Henry, 1777-1852 22
Davis, Josiah Gardner, 1815-1894 22
Freeman, Jonathan, 1777-1858 22
Quimby, Elihu Thayer, 1826-1890 22
Agg, John 21
Brewster, Ebenezer, 1740-1814 21
Everett, Edward, 1794-1865 21
Lang, Richard, 1769-1840 21
Thayer, Sylvanus, 1785-1872 21
Governor of New Hampshire 20
Hayward, Silvanus, 1828-1908 20
Hill, Isaac, 1788-1851 20
Pierce, Franklin, 1804-1869 20
Shepard, John William, 1788-1860 20
Related Author
Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852 2090
Dartmouth College. Office of the President. Asa Dodge Smith (1863-1877) 2079
Wheelock, John , 1754-1817 612
Ticknor, George, 1791-1871 445
Dartmouth College. Board of Trustees 365
Weeks, John Wingate, 1781-1853 353
Fletcher, Samuel, 1785-1858 324
Webster, Ezekiel, 1780-1829 295
Plumer, William, 1759-1850 166
Brewster, Amos Avery, 1778-1845 141
Lord, Nathan, 1792-1870 132
Freeman, Jonathan, 1745-1808 127
Dartmouth College. Office of the President. Nathan Lord (1828-1863) 122
Smith, Nathan, Dr., 1762-1829 93
Woodward, William Henry, 1774-1818 92
Shurtleff, Roswell, 1773-1861 89
Fowler, John, 1793-1843 86
Olcott, Mills, 1774-1845 77
Codman, John, Rev., 1782-1847 75
Hubbard, Oliver Payson, Dr., 1809-1900 72
Weeks, John, 1749-1818 72
Morse, Jedidiah, 1754-1826 71
Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Francis Brown, 1784-1820 67
Williams, Nathaniel F., 1782-1864 67
Richards, Joseph R. 66
Hale, Benjamin, 1797-1863 65
Thacher, Peter 60
Webster, Daniel Fletcher, 1813-1862 60
Hale, Salma, 1787-1866 59
Wheelock, J. 57
Church of Christ at Dartmouth College (1771-) 55
Mason, Jeremiah, 1768-1848 55
Ketchum, Hiram 54
Dartmouth College Faculty 49
Woodward, Bezaleel, 1745-1804 49
Wheelock, James , 1759-1835 47
Mussey, Reuben Dimond, 1780-1866 46
Bartlett, Samuel Colcord, 1817-1898 44
Dartmouth University. Board of Trustees 42
Blaisdell, Daniel, 1806-1875 40
Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Bennet Tyler, 1783-1858 40
Moor’s Indian Charity School 38
Marsh, Lyndon Arnold, 1799-1872 37
Kinsman, Henry Willis, 1803-1859 36
Kirkland, Samuel, 1741-1808 36
Perkins, Cyrus, 1778-1849 36
Smith, Asa Dodge, 1804-1877 36
Spalding, Lyman, 1775-1821 36
Haddock, Charles Brickett, 1796-1861 35
Kendall, Amos, 1789-1869 33
Marsh, Charles, 1765-1849 33
Bouton, Nathaniel, 1799-1878 31
Gilman, Nicholas, 1755-1814 31
Thompson, Thomas W., 1766-1820 31
Welch, Follansbee Goodrich 31
Day, Pliny Butts, 1806-1869 30
Mack, Andrew, 1786-1875 30
Woodbury, Levi, 1789-1851 30
Eastman, Tilton, Rev., 1773-1842 29
Fletcher, Isaac, 1784-1842 29
Gilbert, Benjamin Joseph, 1764-1849 29
Von Beverhoudt, Lucas, d. 1796 29
William, Jared Warner, 1796-1864 29
Peabody, David, 1805-1839 28
Sanborn, Edwin David, 1808-1885 28
Shattuck, Nathaniel, 1774-1864 28
Weeks, James Wingate, b. 1811 28
Willard, John Dwight, 1799-1864 28
Chase, Epaphras Bull, 1800-1867 27
Noyes, Daniel James, 1812-1885 27
Sergeant, John, Jr. , 1747-1824 27
Clark, Daniel, 1809-1891 26
Jefferson, Thomas, Pres. U.S., 1743-1826 26
Mazzei, Philip, 1730-1816 26
Merrill, Thomas Abbot, 1780-1855 26
Parish, Elijah, 1762-1825 26
Wigglesworth, Edward, 1732-1794 26
Willard, Henry, 1830-1904 26
Bissell, George Henry, 1821-1884 25
Clay, Henry, 1777-1852 25
Speed, Thomas, 1768-1842 25
Dutton, Warren, 1774-1857 24
Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790 24
Mattson, Minnie A. Bradley, Mrs. 24
Tawse, Jno. 24
Brent, Robert, 1764-1819 23
New Hampshire. Legislature 23
Everett, Edward, 1794-1865 22
Freeman, Jonathan, 1777-1858 22
Quimby, Elihu Thayer, 1826-1890 22
Thayer, Sylvanus, 1785-1872 22
Agg, John 21
Brewster, Ebenezer, 1740-1814 21
Hill, Isaac, 1788-1851 21
Lang, Richard, 1769-1840 21
Society in Scotland for Propogating Christian Knowledge 21
Ticknor, Elisha, 1757-1821 21
Governor of New Hampshire 20
Hayward, Silvanus, 1828-1908 20
Pierce, Franklin, 1804-1869 20
Collection 16551
Item 13
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