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Showing Collections: 1781 - 1800 of 3136

James Robinson Nichols letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 867460
Mss 867460
Date(s): 1867-08-10
Scope and Contents

Letter from James Robinson Nichold in Boston to Asa Dodge Smith, thanking Smith for the honorary degree conferred upon the writer. He hopes later to make a donation to the College.

James Robinson Nichols letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 868276
Mss 868276
Date(s): 1868-04-26
Scope and Contents

Letter from James Robinson Nichols in Boston to Asa Dodge Smith, enclosing $30 on account of the scholarship.

James Russell Lowell letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 866626.2
Mss 866626.2
Date(s): 1866-11-26
Scope and Contents

Two-page letter from James Russell Lowell in Elmwood to Asa Dodge Smith, refusing Smith's invitation [to read his poetry at Commencement].

James Smith Garland letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 864426
Mss 864426
Date(s): 1864-07-26
Scope and Contents

Two-page letter from James Smith Grarland in Hanover, New Hampshire to the president and faculty of Dartmouth College, asking to be given a special examination and an honorable dismission from Dartmouth.

James Smith Garland letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 864472
Mss 864472
Date(s): 1864-08-22
Scope and Contents

Two-page letter from James Smith Garland in Franklin, New Hampshire to Asa Dodge Smith, asking Smith for a testimonial of writer's character.

James Smith Garland letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 864515
Mss 864515
Date(s): 1864-09-15
Scope and Contents

Three-page letter from James Smith Garland in Cambridge, Massachusetts to Asa Dodge Smith, thanking Smith for the testimonial which he sent the writer.

James Walker letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 842351
Mss 842351
Date(s): 1842-06-01

In English.

James Wesley Palmer letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 864476.1
Mss 864476.1
Date(s): 1864-08-26
Scope and Contents

Four-page letter from James Wesley Palmer at Great Falls to Asa Dodge Smith, telling him that he is willing to pledge himself not to take part in any more "cane-rows."

James Wesley Palmer letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 865378.1
Mss 865378.1
Date(s): 1865-06-28
Scope and Contents

Four-page letter from James Wesley Palmer in Bristol, New Hampshire to Asa Dodge Smith, explaining why he came back to Hanover.

James Wesley Palmer letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 866426
Mss 866426
Date(s): 1866-07-26
Scope and Contents

Three-page letter from James Wesley Palmer in Great Falls to Asa Dodge Smith, asking whether he may be absent next fall to teach the Rochester school. He needs a scholarship.

James Wesley Palmer letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 866412.1
Mss 866412.1
Date(s): 1866-07-12
Scope and Contents

Three-page letter from James Wesley in Rochester t Asa Dodge Smith, asking whether he should not teach during the fall and winter terms.

James William Kimball

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 867109.3
Mss 867109.3
Date(s): 1867-01-09
Scope and Contents

Three-page letter from James William Kimball in Boston to Asa Dodge Smith, telling him that he is sending a brief sketch of one of his sons. He urges Smith not to ruin his son Frank by the "modern system of educational forcing" which allows no time for exercise.

James Willis Patterson letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 864575.1
Mss 864575.1
Date(s): 1864-10-25
Scope and Contents

Two-page letter from James Willis Patterson in Manchester, New Hampshire to Asa Dodge Smith, telling him he thinks Clarke schould return to college to be examined with his class.

James Willis Patterson letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 864623.2
Mss 864623.2
Date(s): 1864-11-23
Scope and Contents

Letter from James Willis Patterson to Asa Dodge Smith, telling him that he has examined Clark in mathematics who gives evidence of having studied diligently.

James Willis Patterson letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 865166
Mss 865166
Date(s): 1865-02-16
Scope and Contents

Four-page letter from James Willis Patterson in Washington to Asa Dodge Smith, telling him that he wants to know whether the action of the Trustees terminated his connection with the college in case he is elected to Congress? He would like the exact wording of the resolution.

James Willis Patterson letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 866178.2
Mss 866178.2
Date(s): 1866-02-28
Scope and Contents

Eight-page letter from James Willis Patterson in Washington to Asa Dodge Smith, telling him that he is unwilling to sell part of his cemetery lot. The president's character.

James Willis Patterson letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 867408.1
Mss 867408.1
Date(s): 1867-07-08
Scope and Contents

Three-page letter from James Willis Patterson in Washington, DC to Asa Dodge Smith, telling him that he cannot address the alumni at Commencement.

James Willis Patterson letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 867412.1
Mss 867412.1
Date(s): 1867-07-12
Scope and Contents

Four-page letter from James Willis Patterson in Washington to Asa Dodge Smith, telling him that he can not leave until the Reconstruction Bill is passed.

James Willis Patterson letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 867667
Mss 867667
Date(s): 1867-12-17
Scope and Contents

Six-page letter from James Willis Patterson in Washington, DC to Asa Dodge Smith, talking about Judge Parker's grievances. Patterson's friend, Mr. Todd, has willed something to the College. Mr. Gilman of Nashua said he would give a scholarship.

James Wilson Grimes letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 865210
Mss 865210
Date(s): 1865-03-10
Scope and Contents

Two-page letter from James Wilson Grimes in Washington to Asa Dodge Smith, telling him that writer must wait until his return to Iowa before deciding how much he can give to Dartmouth.

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  • Author: Dartmouth College X
  • Author: Dartmouth College X

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Dartmouth College. Office of the President. Asa Dodge Smith (1863-1877) 2078
Dartmouth College. Board of Trustees 358
Dartmouth College. Office of the President. Nathan Lord (1828-1863) 121
Richards, Joseph R. 65
Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Francis Brown, 1784-1820 61
Church of Christ at Dartmouth College (1771-) 52
Dartmouth College Faculty 49
Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Bennet Tyler, 1783-1858 40
Brown, Samuel Gilman, 1813-1885 37
Marsh, Lyndon Arnold, 1799-1872 36
Welch, Follansbee Goodrich 31
Hubbard, Oliver Payson, Dr., 1809-1900 29
Day, Pliny Butts, 1806-1869 26
Bissell, George Henry, 1821-1884 25
Clark, Daniel, 1809-1891 24
Davis, Josiah Gardner, 1815-1894 21
Wheelock, John , 1754-1817 21
Codman, John, Rev., 1782-1847 18
Greene, William Henry, 1812-1882 18
Hayward, Silvanus, 1828-1908 18
Lord, Nathan, 1792-1870 18
Bouton, Nathaniel, 1799-1878 17
Smith, Baxter Perry, 1829-1884 17
Dartmouth College 16
Dartmouth College. Society of Social Friends 16
Hayes, William Allen, 1783-1851 15
Quimby, Elihu Thayer, 1826-1890 15
Blaisdell, Daniel, 1806-1875 14
Dartmouth College. United Fraternity 14
Richards, Cyrus Smith, 1808-1885 14
Fletcher, Samuel, 1785-1858 13
Geer, Darius W. 13
Dimond, Ezekiel Webster, 1836-1876 12
Noyes, Daniel James, 1812-1885 12
Barstow, Zedekiah Smith, 1790-1873 11
Nesmith, George , Washington, 1800-1890 11
Woodward, William Henry, 1774-1818 11
Dartmouth College. Dartmouth Medical School 10
Page, Jesse, 1805-1883 10
Walker, Joseph Burbeen , 1822-1913 10
Aiken, Charles Augustus, 1827-1892 9
Bonney, Benjamin West, 1803-1868 9
Danforth, James Albert, b.1845 9
Dartmouth College. Treasurer 9
Leeds, Samuel Penniman, 1824-1910 9
Rand, John 9
Dartmouth College. Library. Rauner Special Collections Library 8
Lord, John, 1810-1894 8
Olcott, Mills, 1774-1845 8
Patterson, James Willis, 1823-1893 8
Seelye, Julius Hawley, 1824-1895 8
Smith, Nathan, Dr., 1762-1829 8
Stearns, Onslow, 1810-1878 8
Stearns, T.O. 8
Twombly, Horatio Nelson, 1831-1896 8
Clark, Henry Salter, 1847-1924 7
Cook, Asa Briggs 7
Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Daniel Dana, 1771-1859 7
Dodge, William Earl, 1805-1883 7
Eastman, Ira Allen, 1809-1881 7
Frary, Lucien Haskell, 1839-1903 7
Lord, William Hayes, 1824-1877 7
Marsh, Charles, 1765-1849 7
Plummer, Elizabeth, Mrs. 7
Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852 7
Bailey, Mark, 1827-1911 6
Bartlett, Charles H. 6
Bartlett, Samuel Colcord, 1817-1898 6
Carter, Benjamin F. 6
Chapman, George Thomas, 1786-1872 6
Dartmouth College. Class of 1851 6
Delano, Samuel, 1795-1877 6
Fairbanks, Henry, 1830-1918 6
Furber, Daniel Little, 1820-1899 6
George, Hiram Miller, 1845-1926 6
Gerould, Samuel Lankton, 1834-1906 6
Hall, Charles, Carroll, 1838-1925 6
Hickock, Laurens Perseus, 1798-1888 6
Hitchcock, Edward, 1793-1864 6
Ketcham, John Lewis 6
Kimball, Richard Burleigh, 1816-1892 6
Packard, William Alfred, 1830-1909 6
Proctor, John Carroll, 1840-1879 6
Shurtleff, Roswell, 1773-1861 6
Tobey, Edward Silas, 1813-1891 6
Wing, Joseph Addison, 1810-1894 6
Adams, Charles True, 1842-1877 5
Bodwell, Joseph Conner, 1812-1876 5
Bradley, Ward 5
Cochran, Samuel Campbell 5
Culver, David, General, 1797-1869 5
Dartmouth College. Class of 1868 5
Dartmouth College. Examining Committee 5
Field, Walbridge Abner, 1833-1899 5
Gannett, Allen, 1805-1881 5
Gilmore, Joseph Albree, 1811-1867 5
Goodhue, Horace, 1842-1923 5
Hodgman, Edwin Ruthven, 1819-1900 5
Hopkins, Mark, 1802-1887 5
Johnson, John Edgar, 1843-1934 5
Related Author
Dartmouth College. Office of the President. Asa Dodge Smith (1863-1877) 2078
Dartmouth College. Board of Trustees 359
Dartmouth College. Office of the President. Nathan Lord (1828-1863) 121
Richards, Joseph R. 65
Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Francis Brown, 1784-1820 63
Church of Christ at Dartmouth College (1771-) 52
Dartmouth College Faculty 49
Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Bennet Tyler, 1783-1858 40
Marsh, Lyndon Arnold, 1799-1872 36
Hubbard, Oliver Payson, Dr., 1809-1900 31
Welch, Follansbee Goodrich 31
Day, Pliny Butts, 1806-1869 26
Bissell, George Henry, 1821-1884 25
Wheelock, John , 1754-1817 25
Clark, Daniel, 1809-1891 24
Lord, Nathan, 1792-1870 19
Codman, John, Rev., 1782-1847 18
Greene, William Henry, 1812-1882 18
Hayward, Silvanus, 1828-1908 18
Bouton, Nathaniel, 1799-1878 17
Smith, Baxter Perry, 1829-1884 17
Dartmouth College 16
Dartmouth College. Society of Social Friends 16
Hayes, William Allen, 1783-1851 15
Quimby, Elihu Thayer, 1826-1890 15
Blaisdell, Daniel, 1806-1875 14
Dartmouth College. United Fraternity 14
Noyes, Daniel James, 1812-1885 14
Richards, Cyrus Smith, 1808-1885 14
Fletcher, Samuel, 1785-1858 13
Geer, Darius W. 13
Shurtleff, Roswell, 1773-1861 13
Dimond, Ezekiel Webster, 1836-1876 12
Woodward, William Henry, 1774-1818 12
Barstow, Zedekiah Smith, 1790-1873 11
Nesmith, George , Washington, 1800-1890 11
Danforth, James Albert, b.1845 10
Dartmouth College. Dartmouth Medical School 10
Olcott, Mills, 1774-1845 10
Page, Jesse, 1805-1883 10
Walker, Joseph Burbeen , 1822-1913 10
Aiken, Charles Augustus, 1827-1892 9
Bonney, Benjamin West, 1803-1868 9
Dartmouth College. Treasurer 9
Leeds, Samuel Penniman, 1824-1910 9
Rand, John 9
Dartmouth College. Library. Rauner Special Collections Library 8
Lord, John, 1810-1894 8
Patterson, James Willis, 1823-1893 8
Seelye, Julius Hawley, 1824-1895 8
Smith, Nathan, Dr., 1762-1829 8
Stearns, Onslow, 1810-1878 8
Stearns, T.O. 8
Twombly, Horatio Nelson, 1831-1896 8
Clark, Henry Salter, 1847-1924 7
Cook, Asa Briggs 7
Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Daniel Dana, 1771-1859 7
Dodge, William Earl, 1805-1883 7
Eastman, Ira Allen, 1809-1881 7
Frary, Lucien Haskell, 1839-1903 7
Lord, William Hayes, 1824-1877 7
Marsh, Charles, 1765-1849 7
Plummer, Elizabeth, Mrs. 7
Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852 7
Bailey, Mark, 1827-1911 6
Bartlett, Charles H. 6
Bartlett, Samuel Colcord, 1817-1898 6
Chapman, George Thomas, 1786-1872 6
Dartmouth College. Class of 1851 6
Delano, Samuel, 1795-1877 6
Fairbanks, Henry, 1830-1918 6
Furber, Daniel Little, 1820-1899 6
George, Hiram Miller, 1845-1926 6
Hall, Charles, Carroll, 1838-1925 6
Hickock, Laurens Perseus, 1798-1888 6
Hitchcock, Edward, 1793-1864 6
Ketcham, John Lewis 6
Kimball, Richard Burleigh, 1816-1892 6
Packard, William Alfred, 1830-1909 6
Proctor, John Carroll, 1840-1879 6
Tobey, Edward Silas, 1813-1891 6
Wing, Joseph Addison, 1810-1894 6
Adams, Charles True, 1842-1877 5
Bodwell, Joseph Conner, 1812-1876 5
Bradley, Ward 5
Cochran, Samuel Campbell 5
Culver, David, General, 1797-1869 5
Dartmouth College. Class of 1868 5
Dartmouth College. Examining Committee 5
Field, Walbridge Abner, 1833-1899 5
Gannett, Allen, 1805-1881 5
Gilmore, Joseph Albree, 1811-1867 5
Goodhue, Horace, 1842-1923 5
Haddock, Charles Brickett, 1796-1861 5
Hodgman, Edwin Ruthven, 1819-1900 5
Hopkins, Mark, 1802-1887 5
Johnson, John Edgar, 1843-1934 5
Kibling, George Wolfe, 1810-1890 5
Labaree, Benjamin, 1801-1883 5
McDavitt, John Joseph, 1847- 5
Collection 3135
Item 1
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