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Showing Collections: 1821 - 1840 of 3136
J.H. Gilmore letter
Letter from J.H. Gilmore in Concord to Asa Dodge Smith, asking in behalf of the Governor and Council, for Smith to conduct the devotional exercises at the delivery of Mr. Patterson's eulogu on Abraham Lincoln.
J.H. Merrill letter
Two-page letter from J.H. Merrill in McGregor, Iowa to Asa Dodge Smith, inquiring after his nephew, James L. Merrill and Daniel G. Hill.
J.H. Merrill letter
Letter from J.H. Merrill in McGregor, Iowa to Asa Dodge Smith, asking what are the necessary expenses of one term.
J.H. Sherwin letter
Three-page letter from J.H. Sherwin in Carolina Mills, Rhode Island to Asa Dodge Smith, asking if there are Dartmouth seniors who would make good agents to collect funds in New Hampshire and Vermont for Wilberforce Collegiate Institute. (Written on the back of circulars of the Institute)
J.L. Skinner letter
Two-page letter from J.L. Skinner in Amherst, Massachusetts to the president of te New Hampshire College of Agriculture, enclosing a prospectus of the "Amherst Record". Will Smith recommend a correspondent from his college.
J.M. Davis letter
Letter from J.M. Davis in Claremont, New Hampshire to Asa Ddoge Smith, telling him that he would like to give his temerance lecture "Rum and Ruin" at the county convention at Orford.
Job Lyman quit claim
In English.
Joel Parker letter
Threed-page letter from Joel Parker in Cambridge to Asa Dodge Smith regarding the trees for the College Park.
John A. Lansing letter
Four-page letter from John A. Lansing in the Catskill to Asa Dodge Smith, recommending Charles Rockwell for an honorary degree.
John A. McGaw letter
Letter from John A. McGaw to Asa Dodge Smith, telling him that public and private matters prohibit him from assuming further obligations.
John Adams Vinton letter
Four-page letter from John Adams Vinton to Asa Dodge Smith, thanking Smith for the A.M. degree conferred upon him. Also gives his opinion of the way honorary degrees are conferred.
John Adams Vinton letter
Two-page letter from John Adams Vinton on South Boston, Massachusetts to Asa Dodge Smith, telling him that he is sending a reunion circular of the Class of 1828 and asks for the present address of various members of the class.
John Adams Vinton letter
Four-page letter from John Adams Vinton in South Boston to Asa Dodge Smith, telling him that he cannot attend Commencement. He intends to give copies of his books to the College library. He ownes an interesting letter about the location of Dartmouth.
John Adams Vinton letter
Seven-page letter from John Adams Vinton in South Boston to Asa Dode Smith, regarding his opinion on the conferring of honorary degrees. Edward Kimball Alden's appointment as trustee of Andober Theological Seminary.
John Alfred Page letter
Three-page letter from John Alfred Page in Montpelier to Asa Dodge Smith, telling him about his son's connection with the hazing incident.
John Alfred Page letter
Four-page letter from John Alfred Page in Montpelier to Asa Dodge Smith, enquiring particulars of John's conduct.
John Alfred Page letter
Two-page letter from John Alfred Page in Montpelier to Asa Dodge Smith, telling him that his son is at school in Canada, learning French and teaching English and will be detained until Commencement. He wishes the same privileges as those who teach winter schhool.
John Alfred Page letter
Three-page letter from John Alfred Page in Montpelier to Asa Dodge Smith, telling him that he wants his son treated a though he were absent because he had to teach.
John Anderson letter
Letter from John Anderson of Londonderry, New Hampshire to the President and trustees of Dartmouth College, recommending David W. Dickey for admission to the college and for financial aid.
John Augustus Skinner letter
Letter from John Augustus Skinner in Vincennes to the president, asking the president to send the writer his standing.
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- Author
- Dartmouth College. Office of the President. Asa Dodge Smith (1863-1877) 2078
- Dartmouth College. Board of Trustees 358
- Dartmouth College. Office of the President. Nathan Lord (1828-1863) 121
- Richards, Joseph R. 65
- Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Francis Brown, 1784-1820 61
- Church of Christ at Dartmouth College (1771-) 52
- Dartmouth College Faculty 49
- Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Bennet Tyler, 1783-1858 40
- Brown, Samuel Gilman, 1813-1885 37
- Marsh, Lyndon Arnold, 1799-1872 36
- Welch, Follansbee Goodrich 31
- Hubbard, Oliver Payson, Dr., 1809-1900 29
- Day, Pliny Butts, 1806-1869 26
- Bissell, George Henry, 1821-1884 25
- Clark, Daniel, 1809-1891 24
- Davis, Josiah Gardner, 1815-1894 21
- Wheelock, John , 1754-1817 21
- Codman, John, Rev., 1782-1847 18
- Greene, William Henry, 1812-1882 18
- Hayward, Silvanus, 1828-1908 18
- Lord, Nathan, 1792-1870 18
- Bouton, Nathaniel, 1799-1878 17
- Smith, Baxter Perry, 1829-1884 17
- Dartmouth College 16
- Dartmouth College. Society of Social Friends 16
- Hayes, William Allen, 1783-1851 15
- Quimby, Elihu Thayer, 1826-1890 15
- Blaisdell, Daniel, 1806-1875 14
- Dartmouth College. United Fraternity 14
- Richards, Cyrus Smith, 1808-1885 14
- Fletcher, Samuel, 1785-1858 13
- Geer, Darius W. 13
- Dimond, Ezekiel Webster, 1836-1876 12
- Noyes, Daniel James, 1812-1885 12
- Barstow, Zedekiah Smith, 1790-1873 11
- Nesmith, George , Washington, 1800-1890 11
- Woodward, William Henry, 1774-1818 11
- Dartmouth College. Dartmouth Medical School 10
- Page, Jesse, 1805-1883 10
- Walker, Joseph Burbeen , 1822-1913 10
- Aiken, Charles Augustus, 1827-1892 9
- Bonney, Benjamin West, 1803-1868 9
- Danforth, James Albert, b.1845 9
- Dartmouth College. Treasurer 9
- Leeds, Samuel Penniman, 1824-1910 9
- Rand, John 9
- Dartmouth College. Library. Rauner Special Collections Library 8
- Lord, John, 1810-1894 8
- Olcott, Mills, 1774-1845 8
- Patterson, James Willis, 1823-1893 8
- Seelye, Julius Hawley, 1824-1895 8
- Smith, Nathan, Dr., 1762-1829 8
- Stearns, Onslow, 1810-1878 8
- Stearns, T.O. 8
- Twombly, Horatio Nelson, 1831-1896 8
- Clark, Henry Salter, 1847-1924 7
- Cook, Asa Briggs 7
- Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Daniel Dana, 1771-1859 7
- Dodge, William Earl, 1805-1883 7
- Eastman, Ira Allen, 1809-1881 7
- Frary, Lucien Haskell, 1839-1903 7
- Lord, William Hayes, 1824-1877 7
- Marsh, Charles, 1765-1849 7
- Plummer, Elizabeth, Mrs. 7
- Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852 7
- Bailey, Mark, 1827-1911 6
- Bartlett, Charles H. 6
- Bartlett, Samuel Colcord, 1817-1898 6
- Carter, Benjamin F. 6
- Chapman, George Thomas, 1786-1872 6
- Dartmouth College. Class of 1851 6
- Delano, Samuel, 1795-1877 6
- Fairbanks, Henry, 1830-1918 6
- Furber, Daniel Little, 1820-1899 6
- George, Hiram Miller, 1845-1926 6
- Gerould, Samuel Lankton, 1834-1906 6
- Hall, Charles, Carroll, 1838-1925 6
- Hickock, Laurens Perseus, 1798-1888 6
- Hitchcock, Edward, 1793-1864 6
- Ketcham, John Lewis 6
- Kimball, Richard Burleigh, 1816-1892 6
- Packard, William Alfred, 1830-1909 6
- Proctor, John Carroll, 1840-1879 6
- Shurtleff, Roswell, 1773-1861 6
- Tobey, Edward Silas, 1813-1891 6
- Wing, Joseph Addison, 1810-1894 6
- Adams, Charles True, 1842-1877 5
- Bodwell, Joseph Conner, 1812-1876 5
- Bradley, Ward 5
- Cochran, Samuel Campbell 5
- Culver, David, General, 1797-1869 5
- Dartmouth College. Class of 1868 5
- Dartmouth College. Examining Committee 5
- Field, Walbridge Abner, 1833-1899 5
- Gannett, Allen, 1805-1881 5
- Gilmore, Joseph Albree, 1811-1867 5
- Goodhue, Horace, 1842-1923 5
- Hodgman, Edwin Ruthven, 1819-1900 5
- Hopkins, Mark, 1802-1887 5
- Johnson, John Edgar, 1843-1934 5 less
- Related Author
- Dartmouth College. Office of the President. Asa Dodge Smith (1863-1877) 2078
- Dartmouth College. Board of Trustees 359
- Dartmouth College. Office of the President. Nathan Lord (1828-1863) 121
- Richards, Joseph R. 65
- Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Francis Brown, 1784-1820 63
- Church of Christ at Dartmouth College (1771-) 52
- Dartmouth College Faculty 49
- Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Bennet Tyler, 1783-1858 40
- Marsh, Lyndon Arnold, 1799-1872 36
- Hubbard, Oliver Payson, Dr., 1809-1900 31
- Welch, Follansbee Goodrich 31
- Day, Pliny Butts, 1806-1869 26
- Bissell, George Henry, 1821-1884 25
- Wheelock, John , 1754-1817 25
- Clark, Daniel, 1809-1891 24
- Lord, Nathan, 1792-1870 19
- Codman, John, Rev., 1782-1847 18
- Greene, William Henry, 1812-1882 18
- Hayward, Silvanus, 1828-1908 18
- Bouton, Nathaniel, 1799-1878 17
- Smith, Baxter Perry, 1829-1884 17
- Dartmouth College 16
- Dartmouth College. Society of Social Friends 16
- Hayes, William Allen, 1783-1851 15
- Quimby, Elihu Thayer, 1826-1890 15
- Blaisdell, Daniel, 1806-1875 14
- Dartmouth College. United Fraternity 14
- Noyes, Daniel James, 1812-1885 14
- Richards, Cyrus Smith, 1808-1885 14
- Fletcher, Samuel, 1785-1858 13
- Geer, Darius W. 13
- Shurtleff, Roswell, 1773-1861 13
- Dimond, Ezekiel Webster, 1836-1876 12
- Woodward, William Henry, 1774-1818 12
- Barstow, Zedekiah Smith, 1790-1873 11
- Nesmith, George , Washington, 1800-1890 11
- Danforth, James Albert, b.1845 10
- Dartmouth College. Dartmouth Medical School 10
- Olcott, Mills, 1774-1845 10
- Page, Jesse, 1805-1883 10
- Walker, Joseph Burbeen , 1822-1913 10
- Aiken, Charles Augustus, 1827-1892 9
- Bonney, Benjamin West, 1803-1868 9
- Dartmouth College. Treasurer 9
- Leeds, Samuel Penniman, 1824-1910 9
- Rand, John 9
- Dartmouth College. Library. Rauner Special Collections Library 8
- Lord, John, 1810-1894 8
- Patterson, James Willis, 1823-1893 8
- Seelye, Julius Hawley, 1824-1895 8
- Smith, Nathan, Dr., 1762-1829 8
- Stearns, Onslow, 1810-1878 8
- Stearns, T.O. 8
- Twombly, Horatio Nelson, 1831-1896 8
- Clark, Henry Salter, 1847-1924 7
- Cook, Asa Briggs 7
- Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Daniel Dana, 1771-1859 7
- Dodge, William Earl, 1805-1883 7
- Eastman, Ira Allen, 1809-1881 7
- Frary, Lucien Haskell, 1839-1903 7
- Lord, William Hayes, 1824-1877 7
- Marsh, Charles, 1765-1849 7
- Plummer, Elizabeth, Mrs. 7
- Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852 7
- Bailey, Mark, 1827-1911 6
- Bartlett, Charles H. 6
- Bartlett, Samuel Colcord, 1817-1898 6
- Chapman, George Thomas, 1786-1872 6
- Dartmouth College. Class of 1851 6
- Delano, Samuel, 1795-1877 6
- Fairbanks, Henry, 1830-1918 6
- Furber, Daniel Little, 1820-1899 6
- George, Hiram Miller, 1845-1926 6
- Hall, Charles, Carroll, 1838-1925 6
- Hickock, Laurens Perseus, 1798-1888 6
- Hitchcock, Edward, 1793-1864 6
- Ketcham, John Lewis 6
- Kimball, Richard Burleigh, 1816-1892 6
- Packard, William Alfred, 1830-1909 6
- Proctor, John Carroll, 1840-1879 6
- Tobey, Edward Silas, 1813-1891 6
- Wing, Joseph Addison, 1810-1894 6
- Adams, Charles True, 1842-1877 5
- Bodwell, Joseph Conner, 1812-1876 5
- Bradley, Ward 5
- Cochran, Samuel Campbell 5
- Culver, David, General, 1797-1869 5
- Dartmouth College. Class of 1868 5
- Dartmouth College. Examining Committee 5
- Field, Walbridge Abner, 1833-1899 5
- Gannett, Allen, 1805-1881 5
- Gilmore, Joseph Albree, 1811-1867 5
- Goodhue, Horace, 1842-1923 5
- Haddock, Charles Brickett, 1796-1861 5
- Hodgman, Edwin Ruthven, 1819-1900 5
- Hopkins, Mark, 1802-1887 5
- Johnson, John Edgar, 1843-1934 5
- Kibling, George Wolfe, 1810-1890 5
- Labaree, Benjamin, 1801-1883 5
- McDavitt, John Joseph, 1847- 5 less
- Level
- Collection 3135
- Item 1