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Showing Collections: 341 - 359 of 359

Trustees Records of Meetings vote

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 788673
Mss 788673
Date(s): 1788-12-23

In English.

Trustees Records of Meetings vote.

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 797490
Mss 797490
Date(s): 1797-08
Scope and Contents

Vote from Trustees Records of Meetings to repair College bell. Confer degrees on several men. Vote to settle all accounts of President Wheelock. Speaks of decease of John Merrill, a Freshman.

Trustees Records of Meetings vote

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 784540.1
Mss 784540.1
Date(s): 1784-09

In English.

Trustees Records of Meetings vote

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 793478.1
Mss 793478.1
Date(s): 1793-08-28
Scope and Contents

Vote from Trustees Records of Meetings in Hanover to elect Isreal Evans to take place of Bulkley Olcott, deceased. Confer degrees on several men. Vote to have Joseph Steward take a portrait of John Phillips and of Eleazar Wheelock. Vote to chage students 2 shillings a quarter for use of Library.

Trustees Records of Meetings vote

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 794476
Mss 794476
Date(s): 1794-08-26
Scope and Contents

Vote from the Trustees Records of Meetings to change vacation rules. Confer degrees on several men. Speaks about disorderly conduct of student Conway in Chapel. Vote to discuss erection on toll bridge over Connecticut River.

Trustees Records of Meetings vote

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 792474
Mss 792474
Date(s): 1792-08-24
Scope and Contents

Trustees Records of Meetings vote to appoint someone to execute such measures in the matter of stewardship as shall be deemed necessary.

Trustees Records of Meetings vote

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 792490
Mss 792490
Date(s): 1792-08
Scope and Contents

Trustees Records of Meetings vote to confer degrees on several men. Vote to have President address Samuel Kirkland, and tell him of their appreciation of his work with Indians.

Trustees vote

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 810474.1
Mss 810474.1
Date(s): 1810-08-24

In English.

Trustees vote

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 785525
Mss 785525
Date(s): 1785-09-25

In English.

Unidentified request to the Board of Trustees at Dartmouth College

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 000173
Mss 000173
Date(s): undated

In English.

Uysses Dow letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 859426
Mss 859426
Date(s): 1859-07-26
Scope and Contents

Two-page letter from Ulysses Dow in Hanover, New Hampshire to the Trustees of Dartmouth College, concerning the difficulties the town would have in having both a free bridge and a ferry. Signed By Ulysses Dow, James S. Adams and David Hurlbutt, selectmen of Hanover.

William Alfred Packard report

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 860440.1
Mss 860440.1
Date(s): 1860-07
Scope and Contents

Four-page report from William Alfred Packard to Dartmouth College Trustees on the Department of Modern Language.

William Alfred Packard report

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 860590
Mss 860590
Date(s): 1860-10
Scope and Contents

Three-page report by William Alfred Packard to the Dartmpith College Trustees of his work in the Department of Modern Languages.

William Chamberlain complaint

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 814467.1
Mss 814467.1
Date(s): 1814-08-17
Scope and Contents

Complaint of William Chamberlain Peacham, Vermont to the President and Trustees and Hanover, New Hampshire. Along with Elkin and eight others from Peacham, Chamberlain has a complaint against Moses Hall, who since hie return from Hanover has "offende every person of morality or decency."

William Chamberlain report on importation of books

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 823940
Mss 823940
Date(s): 1823

In English.

William Cogswell agreement

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 841153
Mss 841153
Date(s): 1841-02-03

In English.

William Henry Duncan letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 848425
Mss 848425
Date(s): 1848-07-25

In English.

William Henry Woodward letter

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 808106
Mss 808106
Date(s): 1808-01-06

In English.

William Woodward report

 Item: 1
Identifier: Mss 806503.1
Mss 806503.1
Date(s): 1806-09-03

In English.

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  • Author: Dartmouth College X
  • Related Author: Dartmouth College. Board of Trustees X

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Dartmouth College. Board of Trustees 358
Dartmouth College. Office of the President. Nathan Lord (1828-1863) 24
Wheelock, John , 1754-1817 17
Hubbard, Oliver Payson, Dr., 1809-1900 14
Lord, Nathan, 1792-1870 14
Woodward, William Henry, 1774-1818 9
Smith, Nathan, Dr., 1762-1829 6
Church of Christ at Dartmouth College (1771-) 4
Dartmouth College Faculty 4
Dartmouth College. Examining Committee 4
Dartmouth College. Librarian’s Office 4
Dartmouth College. Office of the President. Asa Dodge Smith (1863-1877) 4
Jacob, Stephen, 1755-1817 4
Brown, Samuel Gilman, 1813-1885 3
Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Bennet Tyler, 1783-1858 3
Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Daniel Dana, 1771-1859 3
Haddock, Charles Brickett, 1796-1861 3
Sanborn, Edwin David, 1808-1885 3
Shurtleff, Roswell, 1773-1861 3
Thompson, Thomas W., 1766-1820 3
Young, Ira, 1801-1858 3
Allen, Jacob, 1781-1856 2
Burroughs Eden, 1738-1813 2
Crosby, Alpheus, 1810-1874 2
Darling, Benjamin, 1788-1824 2
Dartmouth College. Dartmouth College Medical School. Faculty 2
Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Francis Brown, 1784-1820 2
Freeman, Jonathan, 1745-1808 2
Hubbard, John, 1759-1810 2
Lane, Ebenezar, d. 1827 2
Moody, Samuel, 1726-1795 2
Olcott, Mills, 1774-1845 2
Packard, William Alfred, 1830-1909 2
Paine, Elijah, 1757-1842 2
Perkins, Cyrus, 1778-1849 2
Phillips, John, 1719-1795 2
Woodman, John Smith, 1819-1871 2
Woodward, Eliza Billings, 1780-1870 2
Alden, Samuel, 1768-1842 1
Anderson, John, 1788-1818 1
Bean, Luther Cummings, 1820-1905 1
Beebe, Richard, 1802-1878 1
Blaisdell, Daniel, 1762-1833 1
Blaisdell, Daniel, 1806-1875 1
Blodgett, Constantine, 1802-1879 1
Boardman, George, 1800-1823 1
Brewster, A. 1
Carlton, Oliver, 1801-1882 1
Chamberlain, William, 1755-1828 1
Chamberlain, William, 1797-1830 1
Chase, Stephen, 1813-1851 1
Clark, Ephraim Weston, 1799-1878 1
Clifford, Timothy 1
Cogswell, William, 1787-1850 1
Cummings and Hillard 1
Dartmouth College Trustees. Prudential Committee 1
Dartmouth College. Chandler Scientific Department. Examining Committee 1
Dartmouth College. Class of 1868 1
Dartmouth College. President's Office 1
Davenport, Lemuel 1
Delano, Samuel, 1795-1877 1
Dodge, Joshua, 1779-1861 1
Dow, Ulysses, 1801-1874 1
Duncan, William Henry, 1807-1883 1
Edgerton, Edwin, 1801-1891 1
Fairbanks, Henry, 1830-1918 1
Farrar, Timothy, Jr., 1788-1874 1
Fiske, Moses, 1760-1843 1
Folsom, Nathaniel (Smith), 1806-1890 1
Forbes, John 1
Forbes, John, Jr. 1
Freeman, Edward 1
French, Ebenezer, 1802-1868 1
Frost, Edwin Brant, 1866-1935 1
Garland, James Smith, 1842-1913 1
Gilman, John Taylor, 1753-1828 1
Goodrich, Charles Bishop, 1804-1878 1
Green, Joseph 1
Hall, Nathaniel, 1778-1846 1
Hanover Cemetery Association 1
Harding, Lyman, 1772- 1
Hardy, Daniel, 1773-1833 1
Hardy, Nehemiah, 1781-1839 1
Hutchins, George Washington 1
Kelly, John, 1786-1860 1
Kimball, James Lawton, 1799-1833 1
Kittredge, Alfred, 1805-1877 1
Lane, Marquis de Lafayette, 1825-1872 1
Lang, Richard, 1769-1840 1
Leffingwell, Henry Simons, 1837-1925 1
Little, James 1
Lyman, Job 1
Markham, Elam, 1777-1863 1
Markham, Rosina Fuller, 1767-1861 1
Marsh, Charles, 1765-1849 1
Marsh, Joseph, 1799-1885 1
McClure, David, 1748-1820 1
McFarland, Asa, 1769-1827 1
Mighill, Thomas 1
Miles, Solomon Pearson, 1791-1842 1
Related Author
Dartmouth College. Office of the President. Nathan Lord (1828-1863) 24
Wheelock, John , 1754-1817 17
Hubbard, Oliver Payson, Dr., 1809-1900 15
Lord, Nathan, 1792-1870 15
Woodward, William Henry, 1774-1818 10
Shurtleff, Roswell, 1773-1861 8
Smith, Nathan, Dr., 1762-1829 6
Church of Christ at Dartmouth College (1771-) 4
Dartmouth College Faculty 4
Dartmouth College. Examining Committee 4
Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Francis Brown, 1784-1820 4
Dartmouth College. Office of the President. Asa Dodge Smith (1863-1877) 4
Haddock, Charles Brickett, 1796-1861 4
Jacob, Stephen, 1755-1817 4
Olcott, Mills, 1774-1845 4
Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Bennet Tyler, 1783-1858 3
Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Daniel Dana, 1771-1859 3
Sanborn, Edwin David, 1808-1885 3
Thompson, Thomas W., 1766-1820 3
Young, Ira, 1801-1858 3
Allen, Jacob, 1781-1856 2
Burroughs Eden, 1738-1813 2
Crosby, Alpheus, 1810-1874 2
Darling, Benjamin, 1788-1824 2
Dartmouth College. Dartmouth College Medical School. Faculty 2
Edgerton, Edwin, 1801-1891 2
Farrar, Timothy, Jr., 1788-1874 2
Freeman, Jonathan, 1745-1808 2
Hubbard, John, 1759-1810 2
Lane, Ebenezar, d. 1827 2
Moody, Samuel, 1726-1795 2
Packard, William Alfred, 1830-1909 2
Paine, Elijah, 1757-1842 2
Perkins, Cyrus, 1778-1849 2
Phillips, John, 1719-1795 2
Woodman, John Smith, 1819-1871 2
Woodward, Eliza Billings, 1780-1870 2
Alden, Samuel, 1768-1842 1
Anderson, John, 1788-1818 1
Bean, Luther Cummings, 1820-1905 1
Beebe, Richard, 1802-1878 1
Blaisdell, Daniel, 1762-1833 1
Blaisdell, Daniel, 1806-1875 1
Blodgett, Constantine, 1802-1879 1
Brewster, A. 1
Carlton, Oliver, 1801-1882 1
Chamberlain, William, 1755-1828 1
Chamberlain, William, 1797-1830 1
Chase, Stephen, 1813-1851 1
Clark, Ephraim Weston, 1799-1878 1
Clifford, Timothy 1
Cogswell, William, 1787-1850 1
Cummings and Hillard 1
Dartmouth College Trustees. Prudential Committee 1
Dartmouth College. Chandler Scientific Department. Examining Committee 1
Dartmouth College. Class of 1868 1
Dartmouth Medical School. Medical Education 1
Davenport, Lemuel 1
Davis, Nathan 1
Delano, Samuel, 1795-1877 1
Dickey, David Woodburn, 1792-1837 1
Dodge, Joshua, 1779-1861 1
Dow, Ulysses, 1801-1874 1
Duncan, William Henry, 1807-1883 1
Fairbanks, Henry, 1830-1918 1
Fiske, Moses, 1760-1843 1
Folsom, Nathaniel (Smith), 1806-1890 1
Forbes, John 1
Forbes, John, Jr. 1
Freeman, Edward 1
French, Ebenezer, 1802-1868 1
Frost, Edwin Brant, 1866-1935 1
Garland, James Smith, 1842-1913 1
Gilman, John Taylor, 1753-1828 1
Goodrich, Charles Bishop, 1804-1878 1
Graves, Rufus, 1758-1845 1
Green, Joseph 1
Greene, Benjamin Franklin 1
Hall, Moses, 1793-1840 1
Hall, Nathaniel, 1778-1846 1
Hanover Cemetery Association 1
Harding, Lyman, 1772- 1
Hardy, Daniel, 1773-1833 1
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1809-1894 1
Hutchins, George Washington 1
Kelly, John, 1786-1860 1
Kimball, James Lawton, 1799-1833 1
Kittredge, Alfred, 1805-1877 1
Lane, Marquis de Lafayette, 1825-1872 1
Lang, Richard, 1769-1840 1
Leffingwell, Henry Simons, 1837-1925 1
Little, James 1
Lyman, Job 1
Markham, Elam, 1777-1863 1
Markham, Rosina Fuller, 1767-1861 1
Marsh, Charles, 1765-1849 1
Marsh, Joseph, 1799-1885 1
McClure, David, 1748-1820 1
McFarland, Asa, 1769-1827 1
Collection 358
Item 1
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