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Showing Collections: 161 - 180 of 612
James Wheelock letter
In English.
James Wheelock letter
In English.
James Wheelock letter
In English.
James Wheelock letter
In English.
James Whitelaw letter
In English.
Jeremy Belknap letter
Letter from Jeremy Belknap of Boston to J. Wheelock, informing him that the copies of the history of N.H. subscribed for by persons near Hanover are ready for delivery.
Johannes Rogiers letter
In English.
Johannes Rogiers letter
In English.
Johannes Rogiers letter
In English.
Johannes Rogiers letter
Letter from Johannes Rogiers of St. Croix to J. Wheelock informing him that he was shipwreched on his way home from N.Y and that he has rented Wheelock's house for $5 a month. Mrs. Haxthausen has bought a country seat. France has declared war against the Emperor.
Johannes Rogiers letter
Letter from Johannes Rogiers in St. Croix to J. Wheelock has not heard from him for a year. Will be able to pay what he owes for Warner's education when the crops are gathered. Has an offer of 1000 pieces of eight for Wheelock's house at St. Thomas, but has not sold, as the war may raise prices.
John Anderson letter
Letter from John Anderson of Londonderry, New Hampshire to the President and trustees of Dartmouth College, recommending David W. Dickey for admission to the college and for financial aid.
John Brown letter
In English.
John Carpenter letter
In English.
John Clark letter
In English.
John Crane letter
In English.
John Darbe letter
In English.
John DeWint letter
In English.
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- Related Author: Wheelock, John , 1754-1817 X
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- Author
- Wheelock, John , 1754-1817 599
- Morse, Jedidiah, 1754-1826 32
- Von Beverhoudt, Lucas, d. 1796 23
- Freeman, Jonathan, 1745-1808 22
- Parish, Elijah, 1762-1825 20
- Dartmouth College. Board of Trustees 17
- Hart, Levi, 1738-1808 13
- Moor’s Indian Charity School 13
- Ticknor, Elisha, 1757-1821 10
- Rogiers, Johannes 8
- Wheelock, James , 1759-1835 7
- Huntington, Joseph, 1735-1795 6
- Bradley, Ward 5
- Dewey, Benoni, 1750-1823 5
- Dunham, Josiah, 1769-1844 5
- Fuller, Caleb, 1735-1815 5
- Phillips, John, 1719-1795 5
- Thompson, Thomas W., 1766-1820 5
- Brewster, Ebenezer, 1740-1814 4
- Dana, Judah, 1772-1845 4
- Frisbie, Levi, 1748-1806 4
- Jacob, Stephen, 1755-1817 4
- Murray, John, Rev., 1741-1793 4
- Patten, Ruth (Wheelock), 1740-1831 4
- Smith, Nathan, Dr., 1762-1829 4
- Trumbull, Benjamin, 1735-1820 4
- Wigglesworth, Edward, 1732-1794 4
- Woodward, William Henry, 1774-1818 4
- Allen, William, 1784-1868 3
- Annance, Francis 3
- Baldwin, Ruth, Mrs. 3
- Boudinot, Tobias, 1770-1845 3
- Brant, Joseph 3
- Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Francis Brown, 1784-1820 3
- Freeman, Jonathan, 1777-1858 3
- Gilman, Nicholas, 1755-1814 3
- Huntington, Benjamin, 1736-1800 3
- Kirkland, John Thornton, 1770-1840 3
- Lincoln, Benjamin, 1733-1810 3
- Lord Dartmouth 3
- Newcomb, Richard English, 1770-1849 3
- Secretary of the Society in Scotland 3
- Sergeant, John, Jr. , 1747-1824 3
- Spalding, Lyman, 1775-1821 3
- Thacher, Peter 3
- Whitelaw, James, 1748-1829 3
- Allen, Samuel Clesson, 1772-1842 2
- Anderson, Rufus 2
- Annanee, Francis, Capt. 2
- Church of Christ at Dartmouth College (1771-) 2
- Colt, Peter 2
- Curtis, Jonathan, 1712-1800 2
- DeWint, John 2
- Dow, Moses, 1747-1811 2
- Dumas, Hon. Mr. 2
- Fitch, Ebenezer, 1756-1833 2
- Gates, Horatio, 1728-1806 2
- Graves, Rufus, 1758-1845 2
- Griffin, Edward Dorr, 1770-1837 2
- Kemp, John 2
- Kemp, Rev. Dr. Secy. 2
- Kirkland, Samuel, 1741-1808 2
- Little, Josiah, 1747-1830 2
- Luis, Gabriel 2
- McFarlan, John, Rev. Dr. 2
- McFarland, Asa, 1769-1827 2
- McKean, Joseph 2
- Miller, Samuel, 1769-1850 2
- Montague, William, 1757-1833 2
- Payne, Elisha 2
- Phillips, John 2
- Quincy, Josiah, 1744-1775 2
- Ripley, Eleazar Wheelock, 1782-1839 2
- Ripley, John Phillips, 1775-1816 2
- Ripley, Sylvanus, 1749-1787 2
- Russell, Thomas 2
- Shurtleff, Roswell, 1773-1861 2
- Society in Scotland for Propogating Christian Knowledge 2
- Stroud, Daniel 2
- Sullivan, John 2
- Trumbull, Jonathan, 1740-1809 2
- Vermont Legislature 2
- Vermont. General assembly 2
- Weber, Samuel, 1759-1810 2
- Weld, Elias, 1732-1805 2
- Wentworth, John, Sir, 1737-1820 2
- Wheelock, Eleazar, Jr. , 1756-1811 2
- Willard, John 2
- Willard, John, 1806-1847 2
- Willey, Elijah Frink, d. 1841 2
- Williams, Jonathan, 1750-1815 2
- Worcester, Samuel, 1770-1821 2
- Adams, Charles 1
- Adams, James, 1785-1817 1
- Alexander, Archibald, 1772-1851 1
- Allen, Ira B. 1
- Amory, Jon. 1
- Anderson, John, 1788-1818 1
- Annance, Noel 1
- Armstrong, John, 1758-1843 1 less
- Related Author
- Morse, Jedidiah, 1754-1826 33
- Von Beverhoudt, Lucas, d. 1796 23
- Freeman, Jonathan, 1745-1808 22
- Parish, Elijah, 1762-1825 20
- Dartmouth College. Board of Trustees 18
- Moor’s Indian Charity School 14
- Hart, Levi, 1738-1808 13
- Ticknor, Elisha, 1757-1821 10
- Rogiers, Johannes 8
- Wheelock, James , 1759-1835 7
- Huntington, Joseph, 1735-1795 6
- Bradley, Ward 5
- Dewey, Benoni, 1750-1823 5
- Dunham, Josiah, 1769-1844 5
- Fuller, Caleb, 1735-1815 5
- Phillips, John, 1719-1795 5
- Thompson, Thomas W., 1766-1820 5
- Brewster, Ebenezer, 1740-1814 4
- Dana, Judah, 1772-1845 4
- Frisbie, Levi, 1748-1806 4
- Hubbard, John, 1759-1810 4
- Jacob, Stephen, 1755-1817 4
- Murray, John, Rev., 1741-1793 4
- Patten, Ruth (Wheelock), 1740-1831 4
- Smith, Nathan, Dr., 1762-1829 4
- Trumbull, Benjamin, 1735-1820 4
- Wigglesworth, Edward, 1732-1794 4
- Woodward, William Henry, 1774-1818 4
- Allen, William, 1784-1868 3
- Annance, Francis 3
- Baldwin, Ruth, Mrs. 3
- Boudinot, Tobias, 1770-1845 3
- Brant, Joseph 3
- Church of Christ at Dartmouth College (1771-) 3
- Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Francis Brown, 1784-1820 3
- Freeman, Jonathan, 1777-1858 3
- Gilman, Nicholas, 1755-1814 3
- Huntington, Benjamin, 1736-1800 3
- Kirkland, John Thornton, 1770-1840 3
- Lincoln, Benjamin, 1733-1810 3
- Lord Dartmouth 3
- Newcomb, Richard English, 1770-1849 3
- Secretary of the Society in Scotland 3
- Sergeant, John, Jr. , 1747-1824 3
- Shurtleff, Roswell, 1773-1861 3
- Spalding, Lyman, 1775-1821 3
- Thacher, Peter 3
- Whitelaw, James, 1748-1829 3
- Allen, Samuel Clesson, 1772-1842 2
- Alvord, Elijah, 1777-1840 2
- Anderson, Rufus 2
- Annanee, Francis, Capt. 2
- Chase, Caleb, 1783-1850 2
- Chase, Frederick, 1883-1977 2
- Colt, Peter 2
- DeWint, John 2
- Dow, Moses, 1747-1811 2
- Dumas, Hon. Mr. 2
- Fitch, Ebenezer, 1756-1833 2
- Gates, Horatio, 1728-1806 2
- Graves, Rufus, 1758-1845 2
- Griffin, Edward Dorr, 1770-1837 2
- Kemp, John 2
- Kemp, Rev. Dr. Secy. 2
- Kirkland, Samuel, 1741-1808 2
- Little, Josiah, 1747-1830 2
- Luis, Gabriel 2
- McFarlan, John, Rev. Dr. 2
- McFarland, Asa, 1769-1827 2
- McKean, Joseph 2
- Miller, Samuel, 1769-1850 2
- Montague, William, 1757-1833 2
- Payne, Elisha 2
- Phillips, John 2
- Ripley, Eleazar Wheelock, 1782-1839 2
- Ripley, John Phillips, 1775-1816 2
- Ripley, Sylvanus, 1749-1787 2
- Russell, Thomas 2
- Smith, John, 1752-1809 2
- Society in Scotland for Propogating Christian Knowledge 2
- Stroud, Daniel 2
- Sullivan, John 2
- Trumbull, Jonathan, 1740-1809 2
- Vermont Legislature 2
- Vermont. General assembly 2
- Weber, Samuel, 1759-1810 2
- Weld, Elias, 1732-1805 2
- Wentworth, John, Sir, 1737-1820 2
- Wheelock, Eleazar, Jr. , 1756-1811 2
- Willard, John 2
- Willard, John, 1806-1847 2
- Willey, Elijah Frink, d. 1841 2
- Williams, Henry Jonathan, 1791-1879 2
- Williams, Jonathan, 1750-1815 2
- Worcester, Samuel, 1770-1821 2
- Adams, Charles 1
- Adams, James, 1785-1817 1
- Alexander, Archibald, 1772-1851 1
- Allen, Ira B. 1 less