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Correspondence: Ci-Cz, 1941

 Folder: 10, Box: 52
Identifier: 1
Part of Stef Mss-196: Vilhjalmur Stefansson correspondence

  • Staff Only


Circus Saints and Sinners (Hoffman, Harold G.); Citizens Committee for Government Arts Projects; Citizens Committee to Defend Free Public Education; City-Wide Tenants Council; Clapp, Mary Brennan; Clark, Ernest D.; Clemens, Cyril; Clevette, Cecile; Colby, Merle; College of the City of New York; Colonial Typewriter Co.; Columbia Broadcasting System; Columbia University; Committee for Citizenship Rights; Committee on Discrimination Against American of Italian Extraction; Common Council for American Unity; Conference on Racial Discrimination; Cook, George C.; Cooley, Mary E.; Cooper, Martha; Cooper, John M.; Cooperative Distributors; Corn Exchange Bank Trust Co.; Corwin, Tom; Cosmos Club; Cotlow, Lewis N.; Cotton-Textile Institute; Council Against Intolerance in America; Council for Democracy; Council for Pan American Democracy; Council on Foreign Relations (Mallory, Walter H.); Coy, Nora Parker; Craig, David R.; Cressey, George B.; Crewe, Percy; Crowe, Richard H.; Cudahy, John; Cummings, R. O.; Curtiss, John Shelton; Czamanske, Palmer


  • 1941

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From the Collection: English

Part of the Rauner Library Archives and Manuscripts Repository

6065 Webster Hall
Hanover NH 03755 USA

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