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Box: 311, 1890 - 1999

 Box: 311
Identifier: 22
Part of ML-5: MacKaye Family papers

  • Staff Only


Percy MacKaye: Contains letters from Arvia to her parents and from Percy to Arvia, nine bound collections of letters between Percy and Marion, "What is She?: A Sonnet of Sonnets to Marion Morse" by Percy, "Poesia Religio" by Percy, bound collections of Percy's works entitled "Various Verses" and "Poems Unpublished," "Memories," an autobiography by Ethel Barrymore, "The Betty Book" by Stewart Edward White, a volume of "The Shakespeare Association Bulletin," several written pieces, including "A Poet in Public Affairs: Civic Theatre" and "Creative Aspirations and School Teaching," a notebook containing lists of poems, photographs of the site of the St. Louis Masque, sheet music to "Kinfolk of Robin Hood," a play by Percy, programs for "Emma-A Play" by Marion Morse MacKaye, and various loose typewritten and formally printed poems by Percy


  • 1890 - 1999

Conditions Governing Access


Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

Part of the Rauner Library Archives and Manuscripts Repository

6065 Webster Hall
Hanover NH 03755 USA

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