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Albert Dekin papers

Identifier: Mss-256
Stef Mss-256
  • No requestable containers

  • Staff Only


The papers of Albert A. Dekin, Jr., contain correspondence, notes, academic research, financial information, article rough drafts, article edits, final drafts, and final layout proofs of a "National Geographic" article. Also contains a June 1987 issue of "National Geographic Magazine" the article appeared in, and Dekin’s collected reader responses and comments resulting from his article’s publication. The papers document all the publication stages... of Dekin’s 1987 National Geographic article on the recovered remains of the Barrow Inuit population, all of whom perished in an arctic avalanche thousands of years ago.

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  • 1983 - 1987


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Conditions Governing Use

These materials may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.).


.5 linear ft. (1 box)

Language of Materials


Additional Description


Albert A Denkin (1944-2010), anthropologist. Consist of correspondence, notes, research material and manuscript drafts for his "National Geographic" article of the recovered remains of the Barrow Inuit population who vanished in an arctic avalanche thousands of years ago.

Part of the Rauner Library Archives and Manuscripts Repository

6065 Webster Hall
Hanover NH 03755 USA

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