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Showing Collections: 81 - 100 of 359
Dartmouth College Trustees draft of letter
Dartmouth College Trustees draft of Mss 796490
Dartmouth College Trustees Draft of Meeting Minutes
Five-page draft of the minutes of the annual meeting.
Dartmouth College Trustees draft of minutes
In English.
Dartmouth College Trustees draft of resolution
Draft of a resolution passed by the Trustees, November 11, 1814, relieving the President of the tals of teaching the seniors.
Dartmouth College Trustees excerpt
Two page excerpt from the Dartmouth College Trustees in Portsmouth, N.H.. Eleazar Wheelock took the oath and subscribed the Declaration required in the Charter of Dartmouth College before John Wentworth. Entered by Bezaleel Woodward, Clerk. Includes: Excerpts from Trustees records of 1770 July 17, Hartford and 1773 May 25 and 26, Portsmouth, N.H. concerning Trustees and the Treasurer.
Dartmouth College Trustees excerpt
Excerpts from the Dartmouth College Trustees' meeting 1773 August 25 in Hanover, N.H.
Dartmouth College Trustees extract
In English.
Dartmouth College Trustees extract
In English.
Dartmouth College Trustees extract
In English.
Dartmouth College Trustees extract
Dartmouth College Trustees extract from the minutes of a meeting relinquishing the Trustees' claim to Landaff.
Dartmouth College Trustees extract
Dartmouth College Trustees extract from votes of the Trustees at the annual meeting. Voted that Rev. Samuel of Doctor in Divinity.
Dartmouth College Trustees extract
Dartmouth College Trustees extract from the minutes of the Trustees' meeting relating to the Professorship of divinity.
Dartmouth College Trustees extract
Trustees resolve to reinstate Barret in College for as long as he behaves himself. Recommends Daniel Simmon, an Indian of the Narraganset tribe, to be ordained. Vote to build public school in Landaff.
Dartmouth College Trustees Extract
Vote of thanks to Dr. Whitaker for all that he has done for the College, and trustees beg that he will continue to do all he can in soliciting aid for the College.
Dartmouth College Trustees extract
Report of Committee on affairs in Desden.
Dartmouth College Trustees extract
Dartmouth College Trustees extract from the minutes of the meeting. At the end of the document is a draft (crossed out) of a proposition to be made by the Trustees to the stewards in regard to Commons.
Dartmouth College Trustees extract
Dartmouth College Trustees extract from the minutes of the Trustee's meeting thanking John Phillips for his contribution toward the foundation of a profesorship of divinity.
Dartmouth College Trustees extract
Four page extract from minutes of Dartmouth College Trustees meeting.
Dartmouth College Trustees extract
Dartmouth College Trustees extract from minutes of the annual meeting, Aug. 1796, relating to the establishment of a professorship of the theory and practice of medicine for Nathan Smith.
Dartmouth College Trustees extract from meeting
In English.
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- Author
- Dartmouth College. Board of Trustees 358
- Dartmouth College. Office of the President. Nathan Lord (1828-1863) 24
- Wheelock, John , 1754-1817 17
- Hubbard, Oliver Payson, Dr., 1809-1900 14
- Lord, Nathan, 1792-1870 14
- Woodward, William Henry, 1774-1818 9
- Smith, Nathan, Dr., 1762-1829 6
- Church of Christ at Dartmouth College (1771-) 4
- Dartmouth College Faculty 4
- Dartmouth College. Examining Committee 4
- Dartmouth College. Librarian’s Office 4
- Dartmouth College. Office of the President. Asa Dodge Smith (1863-1877) 4
- Jacob, Stephen, 1755-1817 4
- Brown, Samuel Gilman, 1813-1885 3
- Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Bennet Tyler, 1783-1858 3
- Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Daniel Dana, 1771-1859 3
- Haddock, Charles Brickett, 1796-1861 3
- Sanborn, Edwin David, 1808-1885 3
- Shurtleff, Roswell, 1773-1861 3
- Thompson, Thomas W., 1766-1820 3
- Young, Ira, 1801-1858 3
- Allen, Jacob, 1781-1856 2
- Burroughs Eden, 1738-1813 2
- Crosby, Alpheus, 1810-1874 2
- Darling, Benjamin, 1788-1824 2
- Dartmouth College. Dartmouth College Medical School. Faculty 2
- Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Francis Brown, 1784-1820 2
- Freeman, Jonathan, 1745-1808 2
- Hubbard, John, 1759-1810 2
- Lane, Ebenezar, d. 1827 2
- Moody, Samuel, 1726-1795 2
- Olcott, Mills, 1774-1845 2
- Packard, William Alfred, 1830-1909 2
- Paine, Elijah, 1757-1842 2
- Perkins, Cyrus, 1778-1849 2
- Phillips, John, 1719-1795 2
- Woodman, John Smith, 1819-1871 2
- Woodward, Eliza Billings, 1780-1870 2
- Alden, Samuel, 1768-1842 1
- Anderson, John, 1788-1818 1
- Bean, Luther Cummings, 1820-1905 1
- Beebe, Richard, 1802-1878 1
- Blaisdell, Daniel, 1762-1833 1
- Blaisdell, Daniel, 1806-1875 1
- Blodgett, Constantine, 1802-1879 1
- Boardman, George, 1800-1823 1
- Brewster, A. 1
- Carlton, Oliver, 1801-1882 1
- Chamberlain, William, 1755-1828 1
- Chamberlain, William, 1797-1830 1
- Chase, Stephen, 1813-1851 1
- Clark, Ephraim Weston, 1799-1878 1
- Clifford, Timothy 1
- Cogswell, William, 1787-1850 1
- Cummings and Hillard 1
- Dartmouth College Trustees. Prudential Committee 1
- Dartmouth College. Chandler Scientific Department. Examining Committee 1
- Dartmouth College. Class of 1868 1
- Dartmouth College. President's Office 1
- Davenport, Lemuel 1
- Delano, Samuel, 1795-1877 1
- Dodge, Joshua, 1779-1861 1
- Dow, Ulysses, 1801-1874 1
- Duncan, William Henry, 1807-1883 1
- Edgerton, Edwin, 1801-1891 1
- Fairbanks, Henry, 1830-1918 1
- Farrar, Timothy, Jr., 1788-1874 1
- Fiske, Moses, 1760-1843 1
- Folsom, Nathaniel (Smith), 1806-1890 1
- Forbes, John 1
- Forbes, John, Jr. 1
- Freeman, Edward 1
- French, Ebenezer, 1802-1868 1
- Frost, Edwin Brant, 1866-1935 1
- Garland, James Smith, 1842-1913 1
- Gilman, John Taylor, 1753-1828 1
- Goodrich, Charles Bishop, 1804-1878 1
- Green, Joseph 1
- Hall, Nathaniel, 1778-1846 1
- Hanover Cemetery Association 1
- Harding, Lyman, 1772- 1
- Hardy, Daniel, 1773-1833 1
- Hardy, Nehemiah, 1781-1839 1
- Hutchins, George Washington 1
- Kelly, John, 1786-1860 1
- Kimball, James Lawton, 1799-1833 1
- Kittredge, Alfred, 1805-1877 1
- Lane, Marquis de Lafayette, 1825-1872 1
- Lang, Richard, 1769-1840 1
- Leffingwell, Henry Simons, 1837-1925 1
- Little, James 1
- Lyman, Job 1
- Markham, Elam, 1777-1863 1
- Markham, Rosina Fuller, 1767-1861 1
- Marsh, Charles, 1765-1849 1
- Marsh, Joseph, 1799-1885 1
- McClure, David, 1748-1820 1
- McFarland, Asa, 1769-1827 1
- Mighill, Thomas 1
- Miles, Solomon Pearson, 1791-1842 1 less
- Related Author
- Dartmouth College. Office of the President. Nathan Lord (1828-1863) 24
- Wheelock, John , 1754-1817 17
- Hubbard, Oliver Payson, Dr., 1809-1900 15
- Lord, Nathan, 1792-1870 15
- Woodward, William Henry, 1774-1818 10
- Shurtleff, Roswell, 1773-1861 8
- Smith, Nathan, Dr., 1762-1829 6
- Church of Christ at Dartmouth College (1771-) 4
- Dartmouth College Faculty 4
- Dartmouth College. Examining Committee 4
- Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Francis Brown, 1784-1820 4
- Dartmouth College. Office of the President. Asa Dodge Smith (1863-1877) 4
- Haddock, Charles Brickett, 1796-1861 4
- Jacob, Stephen, 1755-1817 4
- Olcott, Mills, 1774-1845 4
- Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Bennet Tyler, 1783-1858 3
- Dartmouth College. Office of the President, Daniel Dana, 1771-1859 3
- Sanborn, Edwin David, 1808-1885 3
- Thompson, Thomas W., 1766-1820 3
- Young, Ira, 1801-1858 3
- Allen, Jacob, 1781-1856 2
- Burroughs Eden, 1738-1813 2
- Crosby, Alpheus, 1810-1874 2
- Darling, Benjamin, 1788-1824 2
- Dartmouth College. Dartmouth College Medical School. Faculty 2
- Edgerton, Edwin, 1801-1891 2
- Farrar, Timothy, Jr., 1788-1874 2
- Freeman, Jonathan, 1745-1808 2
- Hubbard, John, 1759-1810 2
- Lane, Ebenezar, d. 1827 2
- Moody, Samuel, 1726-1795 2
- Packard, William Alfred, 1830-1909 2
- Paine, Elijah, 1757-1842 2
- Perkins, Cyrus, 1778-1849 2
- Phillips, John, 1719-1795 2
- Woodman, John Smith, 1819-1871 2
- Woodward, Eliza Billings, 1780-1870 2
- Alden, Samuel, 1768-1842 1
- Anderson, John, 1788-1818 1
- Bean, Luther Cummings, 1820-1905 1
- Beebe, Richard, 1802-1878 1
- Blaisdell, Daniel, 1762-1833 1
- Blaisdell, Daniel, 1806-1875 1
- Blodgett, Constantine, 1802-1879 1
- Brewster, A. 1
- Carlton, Oliver, 1801-1882 1
- Chamberlain, William, 1755-1828 1
- Chamberlain, William, 1797-1830 1
- Chase, Stephen, 1813-1851 1
- Clark, Ephraim Weston, 1799-1878 1
- Clifford, Timothy 1
- Cogswell, William, 1787-1850 1
- Cummings and Hillard 1
- Dartmouth College Trustees. Prudential Committee 1
- Dartmouth College. Chandler Scientific Department. Examining Committee 1
- Dartmouth College. Class of 1868 1
- Dartmouth Medical School. Medical Education 1
- Davenport, Lemuel 1
- Davis, Nathan 1
- Delano, Samuel, 1795-1877 1
- Dickey, David Woodburn, 1792-1837 1
- Dodge, Joshua, 1779-1861 1
- Dow, Ulysses, 1801-1874 1
- Duncan, William Henry, 1807-1883 1
- Fairbanks, Henry, 1830-1918 1
- Fiske, Moses, 1760-1843 1
- Folsom, Nathaniel (Smith), 1806-1890 1
- Forbes, John 1
- Forbes, John, Jr. 1
- Freeman, Edward 1
- French, Ebenezer, 1802-1868 1
- Frost, Edwin Brant, 1866-1935 1
- Garland, James Smith, 1842-1913 1
- Gilman, John Taylor, 1753-1828 1
- Goodrich, Charles Bishop, 1804-1878 1
- Graves, Rufus, 1758-1845 1
- Green, Joseph 1
- Greene, Benjamin Franklin 1
- Hall, Moses, 1793-1840 1
- Hall, Nathaniel, 1778-1846 1
- Hanover Cemetery Association 1
- Harding, Lyman, 1772- 1
- Hardy, Daniel, 1773-1833 1
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1809-1894 1
- Hutchins, George Washington 1
- Kelly, John, 1786-1860 1
- Kimball, James Lawton, 1799-1833 1
- Kittredge, Alfred, 1805-1877 1
- Lane, Marquis de Lafayette, 1825-1872 1
- Lang, Richard, 1769-1840 1
- Leffingwell, Henry Simons, 1837-1925 1
- Little, James 1
- Lyman, Job 1
- Markham, Elam, 1777-1863 1
- Markham, Rosina Fuller, 1767-1861 1
- Marsh, Charles, 1765-1849 1
- Marsh, Joseph, 1799-1885 1
- McClure, David, 1748-1820 1
- McFarland, Asa, 1769-1827 1 less
- Level
- Collection 358
- Item 1