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Box: 2, 1977 - 1986

 Box: 2
Part of ML-90: Bromer Booksellers records

  • Staff Only


"The Eclectic Abecedarium" by Edward Gorey; "A Garden Companion" by Melissa Sweet; "Henry Morris Scroll"; "John F. Kennedy/Martin Luther King, Jr. New Year Greeting" by Bruce Chandler; " Mark Twain Compliments the President's Wife" by Mark Twain; "Mystique of Vellum" compilation by Anne Bromer, Decherd Turner, Colin Franklin and Richard Bigus


  • 1977 - 1986

Conditions Governing Access


Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

Part of the Rauner Library Archives and Manuscripts Repository

6065 Webster Hall
Hanover NH 03755 USA