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Box 10, 1937-08 - 1937-11

 Box: 10
Identifier: 4
Part of MS-883: William Unger papers

  • Staff Only


Sabbatical trip photos, Part 2: August through November 1937. This photo album picks up in Suva, Fiji, in August 1937 with photos of fire walking, native spear dance (called meki meki); postcards of Fiji natives and grass-hut mountain villages; postcards of Auckland, New Zealand sites and buildings; New Zealand countryside and Maori culture; other cities in New Zealand. In Australia, Queensland, Bribane, Canberra, Townsville and Thursday Island.


  • Majority of material found within 1937-08 - 1937-11

Conditions Governing Access

From the Collection:


Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

Part of the Rauner Library Archives and Manuscripts Repository

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Hanover NH 03755 USA