Shepard Stone papers
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The papers of Shepard Stone include articles, brochures, clippings, correspondence, conference materials such as notes, programs, and minutes of meetings, news releases, newsletters, newspapers, pamphlets, photographs, scholarly papers, Stone's 1933 dissertation, essays, memorabilia, reports, diaries, appointment books, memoranda, speeches, books and book manuscripts, planning documents (dockets of the Trustees of the Ford Foundation) and much more. Items of particular interest include the many reports written by the Reactions Analysis Staff of the Public Affairs branch of the High Commission for Germany, which were based on surveys given to the German people from 1949-1953, and which report on their opinions on topics such as restitution to the Jews, Communism, the Schuman plan, and what the refugees from Eastern Europe needed in the way of housing and jobs. An earlier section of the papers houses a report by Stone's brother-in-law, Walter Hasenclever, entitled "Psychological Reaction of the German People After the Defeat," which is especially interesting. Hasenclever was one of the interrogators who questioned high ranking Nazi party members such as Hermann Goering, Julius Streicher and Joachim von Ribbentrop soon after they were captured. His report is a first-hand account of the thoughts, feelings and experiences of both the interrogator and the interrogated immediately after the defeat of Germany. Later items of interest include materials from organizations such as The Council on Foreign Relations,and the Congress For Cultural Freedom, correspondence concerning Stone's efforts to facilitate cultural exchanges between the U.S. and Eastern Europe's Communist bloc, his affection for his alma mater and years as a Trustee of Bennington College,
and the many items relating to Stone's friendship with and reverence for, John J. McCloy.
Persons to note in the correspondence include McCloy, Jean Monnet, Willy Brandt, Ernst Reuter, Max Kohnstamm, Ernst van der Beugel, Joseph Slater, John Sloan Dickey, John Kenneth Galbraith, Hanson Baldwin, John Oakes, Lester Markel, Arthur Hays Sulzberger, Michael Josselson, Helmut Schmidt, Waldemar Nielson, James (Scotty) Reston,Dean Acheson,Eugen Kogon, James B. Conant, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Theodor Heuss, David T. McLaughlin and Derek Bok.
- 1922 - 1991
- Stone, Shepard, 1908-1990 (Person)
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These materials may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.).
121.5 linear ft. (82 boxes)
4 Digital File(s)
Language of Materials
Additional Description
Shepard Stone (1908-1990), journalist and foundation administrator. Dartmouth College Class of 1929. The material chronicles Stone's life and career as a journalist, foundation executive, government consultant, and director of international organizations.
Part of the Rauner Library Archives and Manuscripts Repository